Skill Emporium

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Return to the Scene

Ever wonder what happens to all that loot after a gang battle. (write fluff-tro)

A ganger with this skill is allowed to treat the previous battle field as a territory for the purpose of income. This is worked out immediatle after the game before any injury roles can be made. First Roll a D3 and add +1 to the score. This is the amount of D6s you may roll Each D6 result is worked out one at a time and you may stop at any point.

1 - Attacked A random monster/thing jumps your ganger (use something that keep with you theme of games i.e. scavies,zombies, hell even the local law investigating the crime scene). Treat the model as if he had been attacked in H2H and work out accordingly. If you survive you may continue tolling your income dice.

2 - “Your not Phil..” You've been collared by one of the previous gangs (randomly determine which). Anyone other than your own gang my capture your model and remove any goods you have as punishment. Treat as Capture result from here on.

3 - “Don't mind me...” That corpse with the shiny auto-gun isnt quite as dead as you thought. Random determine which DoOA (Down or Out of Action) model you stumbled upon and consult the following:

Foe- Work out a round of H2H with the DoOA model at half stats to reflect the injured, left for dead, state. If you win it counts as an
additional wound for the DoOA and you may grab one random piece of equipment.
Friend- Roll a D6:
1-3 They don't recognize and attempt to defend themselves. Work out as foe except you don't get their gear if you win.
4-6 You manage to calm them down and must help them back to hideout. You may now re-roll the DoOAs serious injury, however you must accept he second
   result. You may roll no further income dice as you ended your search in order to carry you comrade back to safety..

4-5 - Score! - Found some missed loot. Add an extra loot counter to your post game.

6 - “Bet he's missing this!” - You found a piece of gear from one random determined DoOA. If you roll your gang then treat this result as D3 loot counters.

  • Bonus – One for the Arbitrator. Since most campaigns aren't as simple as friend and foe, you may from time to time, when rolling a 3, get a result that doesn't quite fit as friend or foe. If the previous game had arbitrator controlled models, hired guns, etc.. you may have to come up with your own outcome Here are a few suggestions: Use the “friend” roll with the following options on a 4-6 result : They offer you a reward to carry them to safety; hey offer their service's to the gang at a reduced rate; you'd rather have their bounty (treat as a 1-3 only if you win it results in a capture however you must still roll for any injuries from the previous battle, or your own preference.

“I'll get him to talk”

This action is taken instead of working a territory. Any ganger with this skill may choose to “Work over” a captured model instead of working a territory. Roll a D6 and consult the chart:

1 - Went to far – Immediate make a roll for the captured model on the serious injury chart. Treat a captured result as escape. Any pther positive result is considered to be minor breaks and bruising.

2-3 - You'll get yours – The captured model now has hatred for the torturer.

4-5 - “I'll talk!” - The captured model is singing like an angel. You may apply a 1 point modifier to the scenario table when paying the captures gang.

6 - Broken – The captive give up his gangs hideout. You may choose to attack their base in the next battle (scenario should be appropriate). In addition the captive now suffers fear towards the torture and must make an OBW roll when ever fighting their gang. That is if he ever makes it back.

Optional – For a result of 4-6

  • The captives gang may choose to give him the boot from the gang.
  • On result 2-3 make an additional D6 roll:
1-3 you break free and escape vowing to come back (the captures gang may now play the ambush scenario against the torturer).
3-6 You pick your moment and attack. Immediately work out one round of unarmed H2H, counting the captive as frenzied. What happens after that I'll
leave up to you.