Stella the Pixie

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Character Sheet

Stella the Irish/German Pixie
(170/170 points)

Stats (80 points) (Bumped by Fairy package)
Body: 1+1 -> 2 (10 pts)
Mind: 3+1 -> 4 (40 pts)
Soul: 4+2 -> 6 (30 pts)

Package: Fairy (0 pts) (Modified from book, Project->Telepathy)
+1 Body (10 pts)
+1 Mind (10 pts)
+2 Soul (20 pts)
Attack Combat Mastery +3 ACV Ranged Attacks (15 pts)
Defense Combat Mastery +3 DCV Ranged Attacks (15 pts)
Features (Cute, Scentless) (2 Levels: 2 pts)
Flight (30 kph) (2 Levels: 16 pts)
Telepathy (Only people she has spent time near) (4 pts)
Unique Attribute (Small and Light) (3 pts)
-2 pts Not So Tought (-5 Health)
-36 Unique Defect (Lifting Capacity ÷ 1000)
-30 Unique Defect (-12 Attack Damage)
-9 Unique Defect (÷8 Thrown Weapon Distance)
-12 Unique Defect (Suffers +12 Extra damage Each Attack)
-6 Unique Defect (÷8 Running Speed)

Attributes (64 points)
Invisibility (Sight) (2 levels: 12 pts)
Healing (1 level) (4 pts)
Power Flux (Magic) (2 levels: 30 pts)
Sixth Senses (Magic, Nature) (2 levels: 4 pts)

Alternate Form: ChibiFox (2 Level: 18 pts)
Remove Flight (returns 16 points)
Weapon: Bite (1 Level: 2 pts)
Weapon: Claws (1 Level: 2 pts)
Remove Not So Tough (+5 Health) (2 pts)
Change Unique Defect to (-4 Attack Damage) (20 pts)
Jumping (2 levels, x10 distance) (4 pts)
Heightened Sense (Smellx2 +6 bonus) (4 pts)
Special Movement (Balance, Cat-Like, Fastx4, Light-Footed) (14 pts)
Special Defense (Freezing Cold) (2 pts)
Impaired Manipulation: Paws (-6 points)

Skills (26 points)
Etiquette: Fae 3 (3 points)
Languages: German, Japanese, Irish 3 (3 points)
Occult: Rituals, Spirits, History 5 (11 points)
Stealth: Concealment 3 (9 points)

Defects (4 points)
Nemesis (Local rival fairy who insists a Japanese fairy would be a better companion for Tomi -- but seems to spend his time bothering Stella rather than proving he could do better) (Annoying / Infrequent: 1 pt)
Phobia (Fire) (slight: 1 pt)
Special Requirement (Spend minimum of an hour per day in close contact with plants) (2 pts)

Calculated Stats
CV: 4
ACV: 4/7 (Second value for ranged attacks)
DCV: 4/7 (Second value vs. ranged attacks)
DM: 5 (note: -12 damage due to small size)
HP: 35 (40, less five due to Not So Tough)
EP: 50
SV: 7



Stella's line originally hails from Ireland. At least that's what they have always claimed. However, for at least as far back as her great grandparents time they have lived in the forests of Germany. Like many of the minor Fae they have picked a patch of land and work to keep it safe any healthy. Harassing those who would spoil it, and keeping an eye out for the innocent who enter it.

Still, the phrase, "The world is growing smaller," applies just as much to the Fae. Both in the encroachment upon the worlds remaining patches of forest and jungle, as well as in their contact with each other. In Stella's case it was the second that brought her into contact with Tomi. She was attending the seventieth International Convention of Fairies and Friends in Kyoto when she felt Tomi's familiar questing spell. She might have ignored it any other time, but after the conventions closing party she was feeling a little adventurous. Latching onto the spell she traced back along its path until she found herself approaching a small meditation garden. Even the Fae can be surprised, and Stella was when she spotted the young Nekojin boy perched on a rock, arms folded in his lap as he worked on maintaining the spell. After a few minutes of observation she concluded that he was not in fact some sort of were-monster like still occasional caused problems back home, but something different, possibly something unique to Japan or at least the region.

When Tomi finally released the spell he opened his eyes to find her hovering only a few feet away. She surprised him by asking whether this was his first attempt at calling a familiar, then surprised him further by giving him advice on how to improve the calling. It was about this time that she realized just how long she had been awake and how far she had flown to reach him. She gratefully accepted his offer of shelter and followed him home, fully expecting to leave early the next day.

She was already half asleep when Tomi introduced her to his Father and Brothers, and so did not have a chance to truly judge anything until morning. When she did wake however she was quite startled. It did not take her long to realize that the boys had gone years without a Mother keeping watch on them, in Tomi's case all twelve of his years. All four seemed to be showing a shocking lack of seriousness, especially considering that they had a guest present. She was even more surprised to see the playful boy Tomi was at home become so quiet and isolated once he left for school.

In the end it was not a Familiar spell that linked her to the boy, but a maternal instinct that she hadn't realized could strike her so strongly. She has decided quite simply that this boy needs to have someone watching him. Someone to help him in his studies both mundane and magical. Someone to get him back to task when he gets distracted (which happens much to often in her opinion). And while she hasn't seen anything yet to upset her too much, someone to make sure he gets a good grounding in morals and ethics as well. And since the women of his family seemed willing to let him simply stay at home under only the watch of other boys, (and worryingly so many of the girls and women seemed even wilder, some of them with shockingly loose standards of behavior in Stella's opinion) it would simply have to be up to her.

There was no single moment at which she stated she would be staying. She simply slipped into the role and started watching over him. Making sure the last of the years homework was completed as soon as he arrived home each day. Then insisting he get at least some chores done before playing. And finally she would then work with him on his magic. Even if the methods he uses are foreign, she is very much a creature of magic.

The Takahashi's felt it was a grand idea, but that feeling was not universal. A local fairy named Takumi (although everyone calls him Taku or Ta-kun) was curious to see what had attracted Stella's attention and tracked her down. At first he found Stella's interest in Tomi amusing. But when it became clear she was going to try teaching him he became annoyed. What business did this foreigner have intruding on Japan's people like this. If someone was going to become this boys companion it ought to be someone local. Someone like Takumi.

If Takumi had simply shown himself and insisted on helping then Tomi and Stella might have accepted him. If he had tried to replace Stella by trying to Tomi he could do just as well or better he might have had a chance. Instead he has made a habit of showing up challenging Stella to different contests in an attempt to prove himself better than her. Apparently figuring that if Stella should lose one of these contests Tomi will lose interest in having her around. Since he has simply been annoying they put up with him as best as they can when he shows up.