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1. Fizbuddle Federation

(Force:3 Cunning:6 Wealth:5 HP: 29)
 (Assets: Base of influence, Covert Transit Net, Transport Lockdown, Elite Skirmishers)  

2. Catalina Combine

(Force:5   Cunning:6   Wealth:3 HP:29)
(Assets: Base of Influence, Seductress, Covert shipping, Counter Intel Unit)

3. Homeland Union

(Rural, Socialist, Xenophilia, Gender roles/Military)
(Force:3  Cunning:6  Wealth:5 HP:29)
(Assets: Base of Influence, Vanguard Cadres, Party Machine, Shipping Combine)

4. Yellow Council

(Pious,Communist, Provisional, Military/Welfare)
( Force: 6 Cunning:3  Wealth:5 HP:29)
( Assets: Base of Influence, Psychic Assassins, Beachhead Landers, Medical Center)

5.Imani Group

(Force:5 cunning:3 Wealth:6 HP:29)
(Assets: Base of Influence, Venture Capital, Marketers, Lobbyists)

6. Colonial Enterprises

(Force:3 Cunning:6 Wealth:5 HP:29)
(Assets: Base of Influence, Cyberninjas, Organization Moles, Heavy Drop Assets)

7. New book Taoists

(Force: 6 cunning:5 wealth: 3 HP:29)
(Assets: Base of Influence, Zealots, Cunning trap, Seditionists)

8. Campbell Society

(Planetary Mining)
 (Force:6 Cunning:5 Wealth:3 HP29)
(Assets: Base of Influence, Pretech Logistics, Hardenned Personnel, Freighter Contract)

9. Khameni Alliance

(Force:6 cunning:3 Wealth:5 HP:29)
(Assets: Base of Influence, Extended Theatre, Counter intel unit, Mercenaries)

10. New Book Pagan's

( Council )
(Force: 6 Cunning:5 Wealth: 3 HP:29)
(assets: Base of influence, Guerilla Populace, Planetary Defenses, Saboteurs)