The Deep Dark Zee:Rosalie Lécuyer

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Rosalie Lécuyer

Rosalie the Doc.png

An impulsive, inquisitive French noblewoman with a healthy knowledge of medicine.


High Concept: Inquisitive French Naturalist

Ambition: The Impulsive Quest That Never Ends

Aspect: Flirty Socialite

Aspect: Former Noble

Aspect: Bloody Knives and Examinations, Oh My!


Great (+4): Lore

Good (+3): Investigate, Rapport

Fair (+2): Notice, Will, Zailing

Average (+1): Athletics, Deceive, Fight, Stealth


Best Foot Forward: Twice per session, you may upgrade a boost you receive with Rapport into a full situation aspect with a free invocation.

Indomitable: +2 to defend against Provoke attacks specifically related to intimidation and fear.

I’ve Read about That: You’ve read hundreds—if not thousands—of books on a wide variety of topics. You can spend a fate point to use Lore in place of any other skill for one roll or exchange, provided you can justify having read about the action you’re attempting.

Stress and Consequences

Physical Stress: [] [] []

Mental Stress: [] [] []



