The End of the Hantei Magic

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Casting Spells

To cast a spell you must have the scroll in hand or you are -5 to the skill roll.

You may cast a number of spells of a particular element each day equal to your skill with that element divided by 5 without penalty. Further spells are stressful and are cast with a cumulative -1 to the skill roll and causes a loss of 1 HP. Treat all HP lost this way as a single wound.

You may recover spell slots with the Meditation skill.


To declare a raise you lower your casting skill by 2 before casting. You may only declare a number of raises equal to your Skill/5.


You treat your Rank as 1 higher for learning and casting spells of your Affinity and 1 lower for your Deficiency.

School Rank

Your Rank determines the highest Mastery level of spells you may learn and cast. School rank is increased by Training during the Winter Phase (or with Bonus Points from Glory) just like how Bushi Techniques are gained and each rank has prerequisites. See the Techniques page.



Mastery 1

  • The Raging Forge (Craft): The affected item is repaired of all minor damage.
  • Biting Steel (Craft): The affected weapon deals +1d6 damage for 1 Battle Round or Skirmish. +1 Battle Round per Raise.

Mastery 2

  • The Fires From Within: Make a ranged attack using Fire Skill. Damage is 1d6 + 1d6 per 5 points of Fire Skill. +1 target per 2 Raises.


Mastery 1

  • Elemental Ward (Wards): Choose an element, anyone castign a spell of that element on the Warded persons has -5 to their skill per Rank of the caster of this spell. This affects beneficial magic as well as harmful. Lasts 1 Hour (2 Battle Rounds). +1 Battle Round per Raise or +1 Target per 2 Raises.
  • Soul of Stone (Defense): Target gains the Directed Trait 'A Soul of Stone' With a bonus equal to Earth Skill/3. This Trait increases reistance to emotional manipulation but also makes manipulating others more difficult. Using the Intrigue by or on the subject is also penalized by the rating of the Trait. Lasts 1 Hour (2 Battle Rounds). +1 Battle Round per Raise.


Mastery 1

  • Token of Memory (Craft, illusion): Creates a convincing, but immobile illusion of an object 1 cubic foot or smaller is volume for 1 hour. Detecting the Forgery is a contested roll of the inspector's Awareness vs the caster's Air Skill. If the object is physically moved the spell ends immediately. +1 cubic foot or +1 hour per Raise.


Mastery 1