Theophrastus irDavene

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Theophrastus "Theo" irDavene

  • Chaotic Neutral Human Binder 3
  • Experience:


Ability Score Modifier
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 16 +3
Wisdom 10 +0
Charisma 16 +3


  • Hit Points: 22
  • Initiative: +7
  • Speed: 30 ft (run x4),
  • Armor Class: 18 (+3 Dex, +1 Buckler, +4 Chain); Touch: 13; Flat-Footed: 15
  • Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4


Base Atk: +3

  • Masterwork Mace: +5, 1d6+1 x2
  • Masterwork Rapier: +9, 1d8+1 18-20/x2 (When binding Paimon.)


Skill Ranks Ability Modifier Misc Total
Bluff 7 Chr +3 0 +10
Concentration 7 Con +1 0 +8
Diplomacy 7 Chr +3 0 +10
Intimidate 7 Chr +3 0 +10
Knowledge (Arcana) 7 Int +6 0 +10
Sense Motive 7 Wis 0 0 +7

Languages: Common, Draconic, Giantish, Infernal


  • 1st Level – Improved Binding
  • Human Bonus – Rapid Pact Making
  • 3rd Level – Improved Initiative
  • Binder Bonus – Expel Vestige

Class Features

  • Soul Binding
  • Pact Augmentation (1 Ability)
  • Suppress Sign


  • Masterwork Buckler – 165 GP
  • Masterwork Chain Shirt – 250 GP
  • Masterwork Rapier – 320 GP
  • Masterwork Light mace – 305 GP
  • Dagger – 2 GP
  • Pack – 2 GP
  • Grappling hook and 50’ Silk rope – 11 GP
  • Sunrods, 3 – 6 GP
  • Dust of Tracelessness – 250 GP
  • Cloak of Resistance – 2000 GP
  • Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 3 – 150 GP
  • Elixir of Hiding – 250 GP
  • Elixir of Sneaking – 250 GP
  • 39 GP


  • Age: 24
  • Height: 5’10”
  • Weight: 135 lbs.

Theo's not much to look at. Tall and lanky, with wild brown hair, an unkempt beard, and stained and shabby clothing, he looks almost like a beggar. His eyes, a cold and intense blue, are the only thing that gives his presence any kind of weight. But his voice, startlingly deep, rich, and almost musical? That tends to linger in one's mind long after his face has been forgotten.

It's hard to tell what Theo's like, these days. So few get to meet the man himself, without another soul looking through his eyes. His personality changes from day to day -- sometimes kind and gentle, other times rude and violent. Of late, he's begun gaining a greater degree of control over his passengers, and has blunted somewhat their excesses...but he remains very difficult to predict.

When he is alone in his own mind, he is quiet, shy, and quite unwilling to meet another's gaze.


Born the third son of a minor noble, Theophrastus irDavene was always...odd. He claimed to hear voices that were audible only to himself, saw things that others couldn't, and knew things that he simply shouldn't have.

In his early teens, while browsing the family library, Theo uncovered a book entitled The Silent Voices of Broken Idols; a treatise upon the theory, practice, and history of pact magic. Theo was, to coin a phrase, spellbound. He read the book obsessively, cover to cover, always in secret and never sharing his discovery with anyone. The voices that he’d heard for so long began to grow clearer, sharper…and more insistent.

Shortly after his sixteenth birthday, Theo made his first attempt to summon and bind a vestige. It went horribly well, and his personality was almost entirely overwhelmed by that of the entity known as Amon. He very nearly killed his elder brother when the latter dared to insult him, and spent the balance of his day in chains, ranting and screaming and promising revenge. Things went rapidly downhill from there, culminating in Theo’s family disowning him, and his spending the next several years living on the streets.

When he interfered, entirely on a whim, to enable a fleeing thief to excape his pursuers, Theo found that an entirely new door had opened. His strange talents had their uses to those on the far side of the law, and for the first time in his life he found that his company was actually least to a degree.

He's become, in the past year, a relatively trusted source in matters arcane. "Relatively", alas, is the key word here -- while he's demonstrated some remarkable skills, his erratic behavior makes many unwilling to depend on him. In compensation for this, Theophrastus tends to cling to those who've shown him friendship, demonstrating an almost fanatic level of loyalty.