After The Storm:Alan

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Alan Copperton is the son of Walter Copperton, an electrician and electrical engineer who until the Storm owned two electronics supply shops (both ruined now, of course). Walter ran afoul of some career criminals running a protection/extortion ring. Walter refused to pay so they burned down his house with the family inside. Alan had an Origin. * Using his new powers he rescued his father and younger sister Mabel. His brother Benedict died in the fire. His brother Matthew and sister Alice were shot dead by the waiting thugs who had set the fire. Firehand is not gentle with mobsters who run protection rackets. (Alan's mother Elizabeth ("Bitsy"), and his younger brother Dominic (who hates to be called 'Dom") were seeing their family doctor at the time and so escaped harm.

the Storm happened while the Coppertons were trapped. Alan was affected by the gamma ray burst (and whatever else was going on) and by random radiation bursts from all the electronics in the house as they were fried. This triggered latent genetic attributes in Alan's brain and nervous system. The exposure to roaring flames, toxic fumes and extreme stress conditions contributed to his power eruption and helped determine the form his powers would take.

Alan´s parents on superpowers

Walter Cooperton sits at his workbench watching Kenji Nakahara on his laptop. His wife Elizabeth stands at Walter's shoulder watching. Walter: "Protectors of New York. It looks like Alan's made some good friends." Elizabeth: "And put himself in mortal danger. I'm not sure I'm happy with this." Walter, reasonably: "What would you have, Bitsy? Should Alan have ignored all those people caught in the fire?" Elizabeth, quickly: "Of course not! He had to do what he could for them. It's just--" Walter interrupts gently: "It's just you're scared for your son." Elizabeth, softly. "Yes. We've lost so much. Benny, Matt, Alice--" Walter: "I'm frightened too, Bitsy. But I'm proud of him too. Look what our little boy has turned into. A real life super-hero." Elizabeth: "Well, you just keep working on those protections. I want us ready if some super-villain comes knocking on the door." Walter: "And so I will my dear one. So I will."