Against the Lazer Wolves!:Urek

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Urek the Doomed

Urek the Doomed.jpg

Enslaved and tossed into the fighting pits of one of the Masters. Rose through the ranks with strength and showmanship, only to run afoul of the Master and be branded with the Burning Doom -- a curse of fire that turns the affected's blood to fire in their veins... slowly.

Fate Points: 3/3

Refresh: 3


High Concept: Crocodile-Man Ex-Gladiator

Motivation: I Must Wreak Vengeance on the Masters

Personal: There is Fire in My Blood... and it is Killing Me

Shared: ...


Careful +1

Clever +1

Flashy +3

Forceful +2

Quick +2

Sneaky +0


Fireblast: Wisps of black smoke curl from Urek's jaw as he opens them wide to exhale fire. Whenever Urek succeeds with style on a Forceful attack, he may forgo the boost to place an On Fire aspect with a free invoke on the defender or a nearby object. This effect only works if the target could believably catch fire. In addition, he can never become Unarmed.

War Cry: You can make a fearsome roar, rattle, hiss, or similar threatening sound. +2 when Flashily attacking in mental conflicts if the attack is based on causing fear.

Stress and Consequences

1 2 3

Mild Consequence:

Moderate Consequence:

Severe Consequence:

Extreme Consequence:

Invokes, Compels, and Permissions