An Unspeakable Oath:Evannar

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Evannar the Magister.jpg

Evannar, an Archivist-Savant of Tarnor, has left the city and Q'Sal for his search for lore and mystic power beyond measure. Though he wears his mask out of civic pride, he takes full opportunity being away to speak once more. And while he knows Tarnor is the greatest city of Q'Sal, he is more affected by the rivals' accusations that the city was slipping away from the Master of Fate's dictum. Evannar's discoveries would elevate his home even higher - him highest of all, of course.


Pride: Foresight

Disgrace: Deceit

Motivation: Arcane


Male, luxury wear, long hair in a ponytail, face concealed behind a Tarnor Mimic-Mask


Brutality -1
Finesse +0
Determination +1
Charm +1
Warp +3


I Feel the Warp Overtaking Me
Psychic Powers
Witness Your Doom!

Experience: 1

Psychic Disciplines

Tzeentchian Sorcery


Phoxis shares my unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
Mikhail is callow and inexperienced in the ways of the Warp; they will learn.
Iskar has no fear of me or my powers; I shall call them friend.

Harm, Infamy and Corruption

Harm: [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

Infamy: 1

Corruption: [] [] [] [] []


Blasphemous luxury wear
Detox (2)
Stimms (5)
Staff of Change (1-harm close two-handed chaos)
Various ritual components

Warp Weaponized (Psy Rating-harm close messy ap) -- In addition, if you successfully damage a target, you may reduce your harm caused by 1 to manipulate fate & chance and take +1 forward.