Colder than Death:Olivia Floden

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Olivia Floden

Look: Female, Caucasian (Norwegian), Rough Clothing

Demeanor: Volatile


Labels Rating
Blood -1/+3
Heart -1
Mind +1
Spirit +0
Factions Rating
Mortality -1/+3
Night -1
Power +1
Wild +0


Advances available at beginning of play:

+ 1 Blood (max +3)

+‎ 1 Heart (max +3)

+ 1 Spirit (max +3)

+ 1 Mind (max +3)

+‎ A new Oracle move

+‎ A new Oracle move

+ ‎A move from another archetype

+‎ A move from another archetype

+ ‎Change your Faction

After 5 advances you may select:

+ 1 to any stat (max +3)

+‎ 1 any Faction (max +3)

+‎ Erase a Scar

+ ‎Get a Sanctum

+ ‎Erase a Corruption Advance

+ ‎Erase a Corruption Advance

+‎ Advance 3 basic moves

+‎ Advance 3 basic moves

+ ‎Change to a new archetype


[ ] Faint

[ ] [ ] Grievous

[ ] [ ] Critical

Armor [ ]


[ ] Shattered (-1 Blood)

[ ] Disfigured (-1 Heart)

[ ] Fractured (-1 Mind)

[ ] Broken (-1 Spirit)

Oracle Moves

Foretellings: At the beginning of the session, roll with Spirit. On a 10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1. During the session, you can spend your hold to declare that something terrible is about to happen. You (and your allies) take +1 ongoing to avoid the impending disaster. On a miss, you foresee the death of someone important to you and take -1 to all rolls to prevent it.And choose two more:

Psychometry: Whenever you study and examine an interesting object, roll with Spirit. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 1: What is the history of this object?

What bans, wards, or limits are attached to this object?

Where does this object belong?

What secrets or mysteries has this object been privy to?

What strong emotions have most recently been near this object? On a miss, the emotion of the object overwhelms you and you take -1 ongoing for the scene.

Double Life: Take Mortality as a second Faction. When someone rolls with or marks your Faction, tell them which one is most appropriate. b

Conduit: Advance Let It Out for all characters in your presence, includ-ing yourself.

Skim the Surface: When you touch someone, you can read their sur-face thoughts. Roll with Spirit. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7–9, ask 1: »What is your character thinking about right now? »Who are you protecting? »Why are you keeping secrets?  »What is your character’s hidden pain?On a miss, you inflict 1-harm (ap) on them and yourself.

At Any Cost: When you interfere with someone’s plans or actions to prevent one of your visions from coming true, mark their Faction and take +1 forward.


Who are you?

Olivia Floden

How long have you been in the city?

All my life.

How do you cope with the visions?

As best I can.

What are the nightmares like?

You don't want to know.

What do you desperately need?

Peace or a drink.


[Debt Map]


When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.