Count Vampire Soldier Spy

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Scenario Overview

Five unrelated people stumble upon the possible return and weaponization of Dracula against a terror cell in Romania

Helpful Resources



Player Agent Health Stability Hit Threshold Agency/Allegiance Notes
pstjmack Jean Lefebvre, "Fantoche" 6 (6) 6 (6) 3 Former DGSE, CIA, VSSE
Delazur Karl Pavlovic 6 6 4 Ex-BND Commando Officer
Bluenose Leah Haynes 5 6 3 NHS/Met Police
EnigmaticOne Archie Klarfeld 10 10 3 CIA
Slack_C Paul Reese 5 6 3 CIA, US Navy Intelligence

Network contacts

  •  ?
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Important Places

Please note: While we're using real place names, the game takes place in an ahistorical past. Any resemblance is coincidental and/or for convenience.

Important People

Richard Crinn - Prime suspect in the recent London killings. Claims his memories have been replaced by a state actor [1]

Investigative Leads

Dossier Entries