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Durance Class Mid-Bulk Transport

Exeter 03.jpg

Dimensions 161 Wx228 Lx68 H
Tonnage: 2800 tons
Speed Class: 5 cruise/ 7 Hard Burn
Crew: 5
Fuel Capacity: 280 tons (600 Hours)
Cargo Capacity: 500 tons, plus an additional 120 tons in shuttle bay.

  • 20 Tons Hydroponics†

Passengers: 5 First Class, 4 Second Class Passenger rooms

  • MedComp
  • Holotable
  • 32 ton Infirmary
  • 1 Grav Sled

Price: 12,500
Maintenance Cost: 8964 (747/month)
Repair Cost; 515/Wound@
Fuel Cost: 280/tank/600hours (1cr/2.14hrs)
Food Cost: 5 Credits per day (crew of 5)(Canned + spices)†
†The Hydroponics produce 28 person days of nutritious food a week (fish and vegetables)
@Assumes replacement with proper parts bought at a starport. Cheaper alternatives exist, but run risks, and increase the difficulty of the repair.


  • Agility d8
  • Strength d6
  • Vitality d8
  • Alertness d6
  • Intelligence d10
  • Willpower d2

  • Initiative d8+d4
  • Life 8
  • Pilot d4, Perception d4, Athletics d6, Heavy Weapons d4, Knowledge d4
  • Jury Rigged (-2), Memorable (-2), Memories of Blood (-4) Fuel Efficient (+2) New Fangled (+2) Smugglers Hold (+2)
  • Complexity: High
  • Gear: 1 30 Ton Drop Ship, 8 escape pods, Ventrally Mounted Light Machine Gun (200 rounds)


The Durance Class freighter was designed as a versatile ship for longer runs. It sports large cabins, a good amount of space, and the EXETER was a mid-bulk freighter that did runs from the Core to Kalidasa to Georgia. When the war started the captain, being an independently minded person, participated in the famous Athens Spacelift. Athens, was at the time, being blockaded by Alliance ships. Over the course of the war the Equinox was modified for the purpose of blockade running, given over-powered engines, and a sophisticated counter-measures package that made it work well. Equinox was heavily armored for a mid-bulk, not so much for resisting weapons, as for high speed re-entry into atmo. The ship was also given a forgiving navigation system that allowed pulsing in atmo to avoid exposure to the enemy. The ship was captured in space after the battle of Serenity Valley. It changed hands several times after that before ending up in the hands of Josef Potemkin who rechristened it Panteleimon. It was captured by the Mutineers on Meadow in 2521 and renamed Equinox.

After the Second War of Independence began, the crew enlisted in the Merchant Marines and re-christened the ship "Exter".

The Panteleimon has a state of the art system installed, but it still has a few bugs.
EXETER has an experimental New tech Computer system TAC-WIN.

From the Iskellian Technology Systems Brochure.

Congratulations for having the ITS SmartShip 2600™ installed on your spacecraft. You will begin to notice the benefits immediately. From a user experience, your crew and passengers will marvel at the patented IntellAgent™ that anticipates their needs, be it to turn on lights as they enter a room, or open a door as they approach it, even adjusting the shower temperature and water flow to suit their personal tastes. Your security chief will be thrilled to be able to centrally control access to any region of the ship, monitor the presence and activities of persons on the ship, and change it on the fly. BioLogic™ multiscan security pads use a matrix of seven physical indicators to ensure you that access is only granted to the people you designate. Every element of the ship is managed by the SmartShip 2600's state of the art central computer. From the water saving waste reclamation systems and laundry, to the prioritizing power allocation, the SmartShip 2600 enhances your shipboard experience a thousand times.
Let's not forget the Core Style refinement of ITS's trademarked StewArt System™ the on board entertainment and functionality suite that provides full function Cortex access to any PAD on the ship both verbally and by keyboard. The StewArt System™ controls bandwidth issues by reviewing use and anticipating future needs using the IntellAgent™ to provide the best experience for passengers and crew alike. Passengers can pre-load their favorite meals and drinks into the system and have the pursers supply lists updated automatically. The StewArt System™ is a marvel in the galley. Even experienced chefs will find the preparation scanners a godsend for detecting the exact moment where perfect consistency and temperature is reached, or managing a variety of differently cooking meals to be finished simultaneously. The StewArt System™ is not snob, it works equally well in the lavatories and laundry cleaning and maintaining the systems virtually hands free.
Of course, all SmartShip™ technologies are designed to be energy and materials efficient, shutting down unneeded energy wasters when not in service, and using the precise amount of water and supplies for any other needs. You'll wonder if you need a crew at all once you experience the pampered SmartShip™ experience.

Я помню чудное мгновенье:Когда она вдруг к нам пришла,Когда растаяли сомненья,И счастьем полнилась душа.В томленьях грусти и печали,В тревогах шумной суеты,О ней одной мы лишь мечтали,Что явью обратит мечты.Шли дни. Но с мыслею мятежной,Что ищет день и ночь чудес,Посылки ждали зарубежной…И вот явилась EMC!И сердце бьётся в упоенье,И тянется рука к перу,И побуждает вдохновеньеК творенью виршей о БэйРу.Баста! Хватит терпеть шум и гамДа местных рынков истерики,Где втюхатьтебеноровятвсякий хлам!..Я покупаю в Америке!Пусть не олигарх я,и не финансист,Зайду на ebay для затравки -Подвинься,товарищ капиталист,Я тоже,пожалуй,сделаюставки!А после отправлюсь-ка на Amazon,И пустья на нёмдля другихиностранец,Есть способ один,и известен мне он –Я покупаю,как американец!И преодолевмногомильныймаршрутПриедет,как будтосойдёт с фотографии,Товар,что нашёля на сайтетут,Из города – бывшей столицы мафии!Прорвутся за миг через все сервераКликимоимышинно-тычковые,Я покупаю из-за буграНе за доллАры– за наши целковые!Я волком бы выгрыз слащавость реклам,Но тут, хоть убей – не совру!Рыночный хватит терпеть шум и гам -Я ухожу на БэйРу!Звонит как-то домофон,abПечкин я, ваш почтальон!Тута вам пришла посылка!bb -Говорит мне в трубку он.abУважаемый клиент,Предъявите документ…Кстати, что-то слишком весит…Там, случайно, не цемент?bbabА откуда? Погоди…Прям из Штатов?.. Ты гляди…Чай, заморские товарыЛучше нашенских, поди?bbabТам у вас, наверно вот,Дяденька какой живёт?Шибко он, видать, богатый,Раз посылочки-то шлёт!bbabЕнто кто такой – abБэйРуbb?Ладно, дома наберу…Если по клиентам почтуОстальную я допруbb.abХоть пашу я, как комбайн,А бываю и online,И в инете тоже шарю,В ентом деле нету тайнbb.abНу а если, например,Вас спрошу я, как курьер,Не кусаются ль у них тамЦены, словно бультерьер?bbabЗнать, клиента берегуть,Раз три шкуры не деруть,И заказ чтоб обработатьДаже денег не беруть?bbabНужен вот, как ни чудно,Мне велосипед давноНо, желательно, хороший,Ездил чтоб не как бревноbb.abПо-здорову, по-добру,Ко другому ко дворуУхожу я… Вам спасибоЗа рассказ ваш о БэйРуbb.Звонит как-то домофон:abХай! Итс ми, ваш почтальон.Пакидж я для вас имею!bb -Говорит мне в трубку он.abУважаемый клиент,Тут такой вот аргумент -Погляди на мой на велик,Удели один моментbb.abЧтоб развеять всю хандруЗаходил я на БэйРу,И компания мне этаТоже очень по нутру!bbДмитрий

Ship's Books

Ship's Books
[Maintenance Issues]

Deck Plans


Upper Decks


Lower Decks

Starboard Weapons Bay
(Port Mirrors Starboard)

You have a lovely blog! We seem to share a love for felt :) I found you while serinhacg flickr on ideas for "sprinkles" on some felt doughnuts I am making to give as a gift.I am at times unsure if my crafting is going to look silly or if I am in the right path, so in my search for "assurance" I go to flickr :)I shall be back often for some more eye candy, and to check out your Thursday freebies - thank you for your generosity!Greetings from Mexico ~

Plan Descriptions

  1. Hangar Deck
  2. Utility Room
  3. Bridge
  4. Captain's Quarters
  5. Captain's Head
  6. Conference Room
  7. Storage Locker/Closet
  8. Conference Room Head
  9. Hatch to Hangar Deck/Passenger Deck
  10. Storage Lockers
  11. Hydroponics
  12. Portside Airlock
  13. Starboard Cargo Bay
  14. Med Bay
  15. Crew Quarters
  16. Crew Head
  17. Aft Auxiliary Locker
  18. Crew Shower Compartment
  19. Life Pods, Starboard and Port
  20. Crew Lounge
  21. Machine Shop
  22. Galley
  23. Engine Room
  24. Hatch to Upper Decks
  25. For'ard Storage Locker
  26. Passenger Cabins
  27. Passenger Head
  28. Passenger Shower
  29. Airlock, Port & Starboard
  30. Aft Storage Locker
  31. Aft Passenger Shower
  32. Passenger Lounge
  33. Hatch to Upper Decks
  34. Main Airlock
  35. Main Cargo Hold
  36. Storage Lockers
  37. Aft Cargo Hold

