Esoteric Disciplines

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==PILOTING== Not my work 1) INTO THE BLACK The Pilot has mastered multi-tasking their shipboard equipment. This discipline allows simple shipboard tasks to be completed in half the normal time. Example: Sasha the Charioteer wants to ready her ship for take off as quickly as possible to avoid the arrival of the Inquisition. Such preparations normally taken ten minutes, but she is able to complete them in five.

2) CROSSING THE DESERT The pilot is skilled at making the most efficient use of fuel, positive effects of gravity wells and the like. A pilot skilled in this discipline can make their ship travel twice as far as normal without refuelling.

3) LEAF ON THE WIND 'Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing' – ancient Charioteer aphorismThis discipline permits the pilot to bring their ship in to land more efficiently, allowing them to exchange a normal skill die for a mastery die, for the purposes of landing only.

4) THREADING THE NEEDLE The charioteer is skilled in piloting their craft through very tight spaces and at cornering at speeds that would surely bring others undone. This discipline allows the pilot to add two dice to skill checks, or negate two dice in penalties or penalise attackers in these circumstances. Example: Sasha the Charioteer is fleeing in her ship from three Vuldrok marauders, which are faster and better armed than her small ship. She turns her ship towards them, attempting to slip between them and force them to spend time coming about while she escapes. This allows her to negate two dice of incoming fire from the nearest marauder.

5) CAN'T TAKE THE SKY FROM ME A pilot's training at this level is transcendent, permitting them to get their ship to perform near-impossible tasks, contravene design limitations and operate under circumstances where a normal vessel would suffer catastrophic systems failure. A charioteer of this skill can add two dice to their skill ignoring the 10d cap, and force their ship to exceed normal limitations.

Example: Sasha is still being pursued by the marauders. One of her engines is dead, and she fears for the worst. She takes her ship into the upper atmosphere of a nearby gas giant, gambling that she can bring her ship through where her less skilled pursuers will fail. While this would normally be a death sentence, her mastery of this discipline gives her a chance of survival.