Maxwell Wendell

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Attributes Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d4 Strength d6 Vigor d6

Charisma: 0 Pace: 5 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 Bennies: 3

Skills Boating d4 Fighting d6 Notice d6 Repair d10 Shooting d6 Survival d6 Swimming d6

Edges Jack of all Trades (unskilled Smart check us d4 instead of d4-2) Brawny (+1 Toughness, x8 Carry)

Hindrances Code of Honor (Major) Slow Poke (Minor) (From Deadlands Rule book basically just a -1 Pace) Quirk (Loud Snorer)

Gear Tool Kit 5 sets of Normal Clothes Back Pack Crowbar Hammer Flashlight

Cash - 110 Cr

Max grew up on a farm on one of the first worlds colonized. His parents where farmers and cattle ranchers. Max started working on the farm at an early age and his father noticed he had a knack for fixing just about anything. His father imbued Max with a love for the land and a hard steady work ethic. If Max was not in the shop he was in the woods or on a nearby lake hunting or fishing. As time the colony started to change from a frontier world to a trading and industrial center. Max was forced to seek work in the city center to make a living. There were way too many people, not enough space or wilderness for Max’s liking and he jumped at the chance to become the head maintenance supervisor on a new colony. Max’s parents had died several years previous from natural causes and Max did not have anyone holding him back. He boarded the Equinox with a tool bag of his prized tools and very little else.