Megazver World This Game is Very Megazver

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Sean Copeland / Tom, I agree with you completely when it comes to onilne presence and that some things are better told on specific onilne medias. I would have to say that the success of your blog is linked to your success on Twitter and LinkedIn and vice-versa! It's all interconnected. Keep up the hard work with your comments and your blog because I know I'm not the only one who appreciates it.< ->Ray, I'd be extremely interested to interview you in the near future for one of my blog articles. I had to read your comment a few times to make sure I responded appropriately. I really respect that you wrote a book of guidelines for social media research, but your comment and your blog suggests that you don't have a lot of background in new onilne marketing (is this correct?). I started my list of blogs based on what blogs were easily found onilne (in 2 days) when looking for market research related articles. My criteria for the top 25 were based on how well a blog is connected with the onilne community (PageRank, Alexa Rank, find-ability in search and directories [DMOZ], had recent MR related content, etc). If you read my recent article "Top Market Research Blogs of 2011 The 10 Finalists" you will notice that I also briefly analyzed the content of the 25 blogs. The blog "Straight Talk" by Nigel Hollis can be interesting to readers, but it did not make my list of predictions for specific reasons; it's not easy to find for the average market researcher and it is not very focused on market research.Taste is important when looking for something to casually read, but successful blogs inform an audience as well as inspire an ongoing open discussion related to the focus of the blog. This was an excellent comment, so keep them coming!VA:F [1.9.11_1134]please wait...