Microscope RPG--Rise and Fall of an Empire: Scene: Final defeat of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace

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Scene: Final defeat of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace.

Tone: Dark.

Focus: Saint Xavata, revered by the Followers of Lu the Fatherless


Question: How did the Pure Thought Crusade defeat the last and most powerful handful of monks and nuns of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace who once ruled the Invisible Empire?

Required characters:

  • An officer in the military Order of Saint Xavata representing the Pure Thought Crusade. Chosen by Yadal: Vestos, nominally an officer in the Pure Thought Crusade but actually a mind-controlled spy. Vestos has been apparently cleared of mind control shortly before the meeting, but that was all part of the plan- the Pure Thought Crusade subsequently rebrainwashed him, just as planned.

Banned characters: None

Other characters:

  • Chosen by Glyptodont: Exo-Sapient Analytical Unit Raiykowra, a member of the Jeweled Children who serves unofficially as a sort of mind-control detector during situations as these. If he deduces that Vestos actually is under the control of the Temple of Great Harmony, he is to send a signal and, if possible, kill the High Abbess. In fact, his orders give him free reign to kill, abduct, or hinder the High Abbess if (and only if) he concludes it will be strategically advantageous to the Pure Thought Crusade. Officially, Raiykowra does not exist as it would be against principles to allow a non-human such a high position. So officially he appears as a gold and silver jewel-encrusted chair that is carried by human porters to the meeting. With the return of their forge-lands, many of the Jeweled Children have repaired and upgraded their forms, so Analytical Unit Raiykowra can unfold transformer-style from the "chair" into his default arrangement.
  • Chosen by Muskrat: Sister Serene Mind, High Abbess of the Temple of Great Harmony and leader of the remnant of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace.

Setting the Scene:

On the volcanic island of Oysyryq, lies the Grand Temple of Harmony. Though "temple" is a euphemism. It is in fact a vast and heavily defended fortress where the former rulers-behind-the-throne of the Invisible Empire are hold up. Powerful defenses, both magical and mundane, protect this fortress and inside its vast walls are lakes, gardens and orchards. It is completely self-sufficient and can withstand a seige for years--perhaps decades. The forces of the Pure Thought Crusade are worried that the longer they wait, the easier it will be for the monks and nuns to corrupt their armies with their mind control. Such setbacks have happened before resulting in devastating defeats for the Followers of Lu. Now a herald has come forth with an offer of parley from the fortress. Is it trick? Or can the Pure Thought Crusade outwit the most powerful surviving members of the Invisible Empire?

Reveal thoughts:

Sister Serene Thought arises from her state of meditative absorption and prepares to ring the bell to end the meditation session that the remaining leaders of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace have been engaging in before they discuss their course of action as the Pure Thought Crusade comes to lay siege to their last refuge. Her heart is heavy with sorrow. All that they had worked for has come unraveled and war without end has returned to the land. The question now is if the Order will even be able to survive. With one hand, covered with bright green and red scales, she reaches out for the stick and then rings the great bell sitting before her, signaling the end to the meditation.

Note: I'm imagining Sister Serene Mind as a member of a saurian race and the leadership of the Order being made up of many different races. (Muskrat)

Vestos has decided to have 'mercy' on the leaders of the Movement and accept their terms with some minor negotiation. He figures that this way they can bounce back and suceed later. He is wondering how he can get the others to accept merciful terms given that they are so afraid of mind control. (Yadal)

Exo-Sapient Analytical Unit Raiykowra knows that his people's survival has depended on their usefulness to the Followers of Lu the Fatherless. But when the last of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace are gone, the Pure Thought Crusade may not see any reason to protect the Jeweled Children. The dispensation granted them by Saint Xavata always had the unspoken condition, "as long as you are needed". So despite his orders from the Pure Thought Crusade, Raiykowra is here to determine if it would be in the best interests of the Jeweled Children to assist the Order in defeating the armies surrounding them or perhaps helping the members of the Order to escape and continue their battle against the Crusade. All will depend on what the negotiators have to say.... (Glyptodont)

Playing the Scene:

Scene runs from post #35 to post #60 in IC thread.

12-19-2013, 07:36 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Event: The Fall of the Invisible Empire.

Scene: Final defeat of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace. Tone: TBA

Question: How did the Pure Thought Crusade defeat the last and most powerful handful of monks and nuns of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace who once ruled the Invisible Empire?

Sister Serene Mind says to the assembled monks and nuns around her, "The fateful hour is at hand. The forces of the Pure Thought Crusade, who would plunge the world into a war of race against race, have reached our fortress. Our reign of peace might be broken, but all hope is not lost for our Order. The commander of the forces outside is supposed to be under our influence. That being the case, we should be able to negotiate a surrender that leaves our Order intact and allow to rebuild. But let us make certain of that before we make further plans. Let us reach out our minds and look into the thought of the military gathered to lay siege to us."

"Let it be so," says Brother True Sight, a member of the wolf-like Kodo race. With that, Sister Serene Mind and her fellows reach out their minds to touch those of their enemies--and especially to see if Vestos is still under their influence.

12-19-2013, 09:59 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Exo-Sapient Analytical Unit Raiykowra stands before the negotiator and gives a nod of its upper sensory array. A meaningless gesture to the Jeweled Children, but warriors of the Pure Thought Crusade who are unable to analyze and parse hierarchical networks as fast as the Jeweled Children, such gestures serve to remind each other of their status.

"Lord Vestos, the time has arrived. As the Strategic Chamber has recommended, Your Lordship shall be transported upon a jeweled throne by trusted bearers who will leave you and depart before the enemy negotiators approach. The jeweled throne will of course be this humble Unit." Raiykowra gently touches the casing of its tertiary analytical mill with one of its manipulators in a gesture that humans interpret as "subservient".

"This Unit's prime directive from the Strategic Chamber is to protect Your Lordship at all costs--even if that results in this Unit's permanent power loss. This Unit's secondary directive is to determine the will of the enemy and relay this information to Your Lordship to aid in your negotiation. Failing those two directives, this Unit's tertiary directive is to kill the enemy negotiator and as many members of the Order as possible."

The porters arrive and Raiykowra folds itself like an intricate jewelry box into an uncomfortable-looking and expensive armchair. Raiykowra realizes that the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace must surely know of the ruses used by the Jeweled Children after all these years of war. But their reaction is difficult to predict. Having an order composed of many races makes it more difficult for Raikowra to analyze them--unlike the simpler mono-culture of the all-human Followers of Lu the Fatherless.

12-19-2013, 10:46 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Vestos is still under the influence... completely and utterly. He turns to his Negotiator.

"Thank you", he says, getting into the chair. His plan is to negotiate a surrender in which his "enemies" will be confined, similiar to how the Jewelled Children are, to an out-of-the-way corner of the world, with safeguards placed on them. He figures no safeguards can work out in the long run.

12-20-2013, 11:01 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

The porters carry the heavy chair and its occupant from the encampment of the forces of the Pure Thought Crusade to an open area below the sheer volcanic cliff that forms the first barrier to the fortress. A narrow stone staircase wide enough for one to walk abreast zigzags upward to the first gate of the fortress. It is down these steps that the negotiator from the Order will descend. From the fortress windows above there were undoubtedly many archers and sorcerers ready to rain arrows and fire down upon them, just as the forces of the Pure Thought Crusade had snipers and spies in the surrounding jungle watching them.

The porters set up a modest-size yurt with thin cloth--ostensibly to keep the intense tropical heat off the negotiators. But it would also provide a few seconds cover if Raiykowra (or Vestos) decided to make a quick assassination before the enemy in the fortress could react. Of course, this provides the same advantage for the Order's representative also.

The porters leave after the yurt is set up around the "throne" and the front flap is left open with a clear view of the steps leading to the fortress.

12-20-2013, 11:08 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Vestos marches out, giving the impression of a bold, triumphant conqueror to contrast with the merciful terms he is going to give. He decides to view his "defeated enemies" from the top of the stairs, to give an impression of dominance.

"Abominations!" he cries, "You are not worthy to negotiate with me on your feet! Bow before me, and conduct the negotiations from there!"

Before he was mind-controlled, Vestos didn't indulge in this sort of thing. However, he'd claimed beforehand that he wanted to be as intimidating as possible in order to cover for this somewhat.

12-21-2013, 12:30 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Sister Serene Mind says, "Ah, our foes have arrived. And Vestos is still under influence, bending his thoughts towards peace and harmony. It is time to negotiate our surrender." She rises and walks gracefully from the meditation hall. Brother True Sight and the human monk Brother Peaceful Intention follow her, to join her in the negotiations. As they leave the meditation hall, Sister Serene Mind looks up at the fortress walls above them, manned by lay soldiers loyal to the orders and monks and nuns trained to use the powers of the mind in the midst of battle. Should worst come to worst, the Order has already elected a new High Abbess to succeed her, who will try to escape with some of the remaining leaders through secret passages to freedom. Others of the leadership have volunteered to stay behind and possibly be executed to create the illusion that the Pure Thought Crusade has captured them all.

Sister Serene Mind composes herself before walking through the gates, adjusting her monastic robes, and trying to fold her frills in an expression of humility. She looks at the two monks accompanying her and when they send her mental messages affirming their readiness, she raises a hand to the guards, who open a small door in the large gate. Sister Serene Mind and her two companions, accompanied by a small contingent of guards, exit the Fortress.

She bows humbly before Vestos and says, "We welcome this move by the Pure Thought Crusade to negotiate and seek peace. Though the hour is late, any step away from war and towards peace is welcomed. The Transcendent Sages will smile you and you will create good karma." Her frills fold and unfold rhythmically in a pattern of peaceful acceptance.

NOTE: I'm imagining Sister Serene Mind's reptilian face is incapable of human style expressions. Instead she has frills that fold and unfold in complex patterns to express her feelings--or hide them.

12-21-2013, 08:48 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Vestos laughed manically- it was meant to be haughty, but he didn't have the emotional skill to tell the difference.

"Here are the terms, scum! You and your kind shall be confined to your Fortress forever! It shall be taken over by us, and become your prison! We'll feel you gruel and water, but that's all you're getting! Your mind control powers will be used to serve Us as we conquer the world!

I will personally enjoy running this prison and abusing you all!"

Vestos figured that he could use this to suceed. The strategy would be to loosen the prison so that his true masters could take control of those in charge, then begin subverting the Pure Thought Crusade from the inside whilst keeping the illusion they were beaten.

12-21-2013, 10:44 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Raiykowra was designed by the Jeweled Children makers to have acute hearing, so it caught the entire conversation at the top of the stairs so far. However, Vestos' impulsive decision to climb the stairs and make haughty demands was unanticipated. It was known that Vestos had been under mind control in the past, but the Strategic Chamber had deemed him free of such taint after undergoing the purification process of the Pure Thought Crusade. But someone who has experienced multiple instances of mind-control often start to behave erratically. If Vestos was truly under the influence of the Order, that could be turned to the advantage of the Jeweled Children, but if his actions become too unpredictable, it will make Raiykowra's plan more difficult.

So, inside the yurt, Raiykowra unfolds itself into its default configuration and says in a tone loud enough to hear at the top of the stairs, "Your Lorship and Your Holiness, may this Unit approach?" The Jeweled Children were the persecuted enemies of the Invisible Empire due to their immunity to mind control and their secret alliance with the Pure Thought Crusade has given the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace even more reason to want them exterminated. But Raiykowra hoped it could communicate with the negotiators without fire and arrows raining down first.

12-21-2013, 10:53 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

"Fine!", exclaimed Vestos, "Go ahead!"

12-22-2013, 12:32 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Slowly, carefully, Raiykowra emerges from the tent and ascends the stone stairway. At the top it touches its manipulator to its upper chassis and nods to Vestos. "Your Lordship."

To Sister Serene Mind, Raiykowra opens and closes its upper heat vents in a crude imitation of a polite reptilian frill reflex. "Your Holiness."

12-22-2013, 09:28 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Sister Serene Mind carefully keeps her frills in a serene pattern as Vestos cackles maniacally, but inwardly she is afraid, worried that the repeated mind control has damaged this man, as sometimes happens to those with weaker minds. In many cases, it was a necessary evil, bit in this case, she finds herself if it may have harmed the Order in its work to create peace. Her serene expression momentarily disappears as she looks up suddenly and her frills flex in agitation as the Jeweled Child appeared. This was an unexpected development. She regained her calm expression and bowed politely to Raiykowra, hiding her own disgust at this being who would side with the fanatics who would persecute all non-humans. If given the chance, she would order it to be slain, so its soul might go free and be reborn elsewhere and not be weighed down with the evil karma it was created for itself in this treacherous alliance. Sister Serene Mind focuses her mind on cultivating this compassionate thought and letting go of her hatred, unbecoming of a nun of her rank and seniority.

Playing for time as she tried to decide to respond to these unexpected developments, she bows to the Jeweled Child and says, "I was not expecting your presence. To whom do I have the honor of speaking and what is you role in these negotiations?" Dealing with this situation would be difficult because the Jeweled Children were a accursed people, immune to the pacifying effects of the Order's psychic powers.

12-24-2013, 03:44 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

"This Unit may be referred to as 'Raiykowra'." Raiykowra deliberately neglected to add its Functional Designation, "Exo-Sapient Analytical Unit".

"Your Holiness can most likely deduce this Unit's official purpose here. The Jeweled Children were persecuted under your regime in the Invisible Empire. The Order of Harmonious Though manipulated the minds of the Argi Strategists to conquer the Jeweled Children's forge-lands and force our people into exile. Only one race in this world aided the Jeweled Children. That is why this Unit stands with the Pure Thought Crusade rather than your Order."

Exo-Sapient Analytical Unit Raiykowra lacked any peripheral accessories or parts to do a proper imitation of a reptilian frill-flare of asserting authority, but it did its best by extending its height a few inches taller and looking Sister Serene Mind directly in her lizard's eye. Then turning to Vestos, it says, "Your Lordship?"

12-24-2013, 09:14 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

In Vestos's eye, Raiykowra was the true enemy here. He had created terms designed to ensure that the Order would survive, subverting his arrangement from the inside.

"If you have nothing more to say, then stay there until you do, alright?" he asked. Nothing too suspicious, he hoped. He then turned to the representative.

"As a sign of good faith, you shall let our armies enter the fortress. The two of us can talk on the patio."

This was actually a slip on Vestos's part. The Pure Thought Crusade had never gotten the layout of this fortress, but at one point Vestos had after the Order had confirmed it was impossible to free him from his control. Vestos realised this as soon as he'd said it, but figured it was minor.

12-24-2013, 12:00 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Sister Serene Mind looks a long moment at Raiykowra and says, "I regret that such extreme measures were necessary to ensure the peace. But they would not have been necessary had the Jeweled Children been willing to accept our advisers and be guided by our wise hands, as others did." She pauses and says, "I would be careful in our alliances." She gestures to the two other high monastics and the guards around her. "You can see that we bring people of many races together, while the Pure Thought Crusade has not learned how to do such a thing." She leaves unmentioned the many massacres of non-humans the Crusade has carried out.

Sister Serene Mind turns her attention back to Vestos. She is wary of his request. Vestos should be under the influence of the Order--but this might all be part of an elaborate ruse. And simply admitting them without some sort of deal in place would look odd. She worries that Vestos has grown mentally unstable. Generally, the work of the Order to bring peace to people's minds benefited all, but occasionally it did damage--and Vestos was no longer stable. She says, "I am willing to make a gesture of good will, but to open our fortress to you without some sealed agreement is asking much. Perhaps if we offered some of our senior leaders to you as hostages instead?" She knew that some would be willing to make such a sacrifice for the Order and could withstand whatever torture and mind probes the Pure Thought Crusade might inflict on them--in the unlikely event it came to that.

12-24-2013, 06:09 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

"Fine, whatever!" exclaimed Vestos. "Let's go with that!"

12-24-2013, 08:42 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

"Lord Vestos," says Raiykowra. "Following the Strategic Chamber's secondary directive, this Unit is impelled to mention that hostages of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace possess a negative tactical value. They might manipulate the minds of their guards in order to corrupt the Pure Thought Crusade from within, as they have attempted so many times in the past. The Strategic Chamber would surely interpret Sister Serene Mind's offer as an attempt at subterfuge, no matter if her motives were pure or not."

12-25-2013, 12:55 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Vestos knew that, of course. He figured that was his master's plan.

"We'll use drugs to keep them unconscious for now- that way they can't subvert us."

12-25-2013, 01:53 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

"A prudent measure, Lord Vestos. You may give this Unit the drugs now, Your Lordship, so that this Unit may administer them to the hostages. This will protect you in the event of the Order attempting to violate the integrity and pureness of Your Lordship's thoughts."

Raiykowra was nearly certain that these drugs didn't exist. The Strategic Chamber wouldn't have held back such vital information from the only member of this negotiation immune to the Order's manipulation. All three of Raiykowra's internal analytical mills were now running at full performance to determine an optimal outcome for the current precarious situation. The future of the Jeweled Children hung in the balance.

12-25-2013, 01:56 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

"I'll have to get my hands on them first", explained Vestos. "For now, uh, I suppose we can pause the negotiations whilst I go to secure the drugs."

Hence buying the Order some time and allowing them to give him orders.

12-25-2013, 02:30 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

"Before Your Lordship procures the drugs, this Unit feels it is necessary for the three parties at this negotiation to come to an arrangement first." Raiykowra looks back and forth from Sister Serene Mind to Vestos, making sure both are paying attention.

"And lest the two of you Honorable Persons feel the urge to not comply with this Unit's request, you both should be aware of the precariousness of our current position. If this Unit were to make a sudden, violent movement toward Sister Serene Mind, the Order's forces that have us in their sights at the present moment would strike this Unit and Lord Vestos down immediately killing us both. The Pure Thought Crusade would assume the Order has betrayed the truce and launch an all-out assault against the fortress. It might take years to overcome the defenses, but the fortress will fall eventually. Some of the members of the Order would certainly escape and the Crusade would continue the hunt for years, decades, perhaps centuries. And in so doing, the Jeweled Children will continue to thrive and be protected because they are the only weapon the Followers of Lu the Fatherless have to find and defeat the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace."

Exo-Sapient Analytical Unit Raiykowra let's its words sink in for the duration of a flesh-being's heartbeat and then continues: "However, this Unit would prefer to survive these negotiations, as both of Your Worthies no doubt wish. Perhaps there is an alternative means to achieve a balance of power between the Crusade, the Order, and the Jeweled Children without causing the deaths of thousands. Your Holiness--Your Lordship, what say you both?"

12-25-2013, 11:34 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Sister Serene Mind cocks her head to look with interest at the mechanical being. "We are always open to proposals that will foster reconciliation and peace," she says. She wonders what Raiykowra has up its sleeve; via her mental bond with her companions, she knows that Brothers True Sight and Peaceful Intention are wondering the same thing. The two monks are telepathically relaying word of the negotiations to the leaders of the Order who remain in the fortress, so that they can take whatever actions are necessary, should the negotiations with Vestos not go properly.

Sister Serene Mind is deeply concerned with what game Raiykowra is playing. She telepathically tells the others, Order the guards on the wall to be prepared to wipe us all out. We may need to sacrifice these bodies and be reborn elsewhere if what this accursed being is playing at it is too dangerous. Thanks to their rigorous spiritual training, the leaders of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace can recall their past incarnations with relative ease and have used this to train themselves not to fear death. Indeed, some of them have mastered the art of controlling their process of rebirth, making it possible for them to be reborn among and raised by members of the Order.

12-26-2013, 02:17 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Vestos frowns. "... Fine, have it your way! We'll just have to make do without hostages!"

The fact that Vestos is frustrated now is something he can't conceal no matter how hard he tries. The pretence has become reality in that respect due to Vestos's mind-control induced damage.

"Let's end the negotiations here, then! Surrender your fortress and become our prisoners, and we will let you survive! Deal or no deal?"

12-26-2013, 11:03 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Vestos seems to have failed to understand the implications of Raiykowra's threat and offer of compromise. It appears things are teetering toward disaster. "My Lord Vestos, this Unit has threatened your life in violation of the Strategic Chamber's prime directive for this mission. Yet, not only is Your Lordship unconcerned with such treason, you are also obsessed with following a course of action doomed to failure. Even a flesh-being's poor skills of deduction could only conclude that Your Lordship has been compromised by the Order."

To Sister Serene Mind, Raiykowra says, "Your Holiness, the only one who will take hostages today is your Order. Lord Vestos cannot return to the Pure Thought Crusade, nor can he continue to live among the Followers of Lu the Fatherless. Your process of mind-control has ruined any ability he has to function as a functioning individual. Now this Unit will grant Your Holiness the duration of five of your slow heartbeats to conceive of a plan to allow the Crusade some semblance of victory while making it obvious that some members of your Order have escaped the Crusade's justice. In addition, you must take Lord Vestos with you, tend to him for the rest of his life, and repair the damage your Order has done to him." Raiykowra places one of its manipulators over its jeweled torso shielding in an apparent show of humility, but discreetly extends its internal defense blade a few fingerwidths for the reptilian nun to see, just for emphasis.

12-26-2013, 11:19 AM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Sister Serene Mind looks closely at the Jeweled Child, while telepathically sending a message to the leaders remaining in the fortress to begin the evacuation and then to the commanders of the guards controlling the gate. She instructs the latter to put up a show of resistance, but to surrender to the forces of the Pure Thought Crusade when the evacuation has had enough time to succeed. Then she says to Raiykowra, "We do not fear death. We know that we will be reborn. You may take those of us standing here prisoner and execute us." She looks over at Vestos with pity. "I think the most compassionate thing would be to execute Vestos as well--releasing his soul to be reborn in a new life is the best chance he has to heal." She looks back at Raiykowra. She is unsure if it truly means to let members of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace escape, so she does not, for the moment, share the rest of her orders. "Will that satisfy you?" she asks. She allows her frills to openly show her uncertainty and concern.

12-26-2013, 12:04 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

"This Unit would prefer that Lord Vestos decides whether he shall live or die--if he is capable of such action without your Order's interference. But unfortunately, that has become a lesser concern. This Unit suggests we wait here until the sun has passed three-quarters of the sky feigning negotiations for those in the Crusade watching us. Then Lord Vestos will order this Unit to return with news that the Order will surrender if their lives are spared. At which time Your Holiness will escort Lord Vestos into the fortress under the ruse of surrendering to him. You may then seal your fortress gates and commence attack from your ramparts. The Pure Thought Crusade will assume treachery and counter-attack. By then night will have fallen allowing your selected members to escape more easily. This Unit will advise the forces of the Crusade in such a way to insure the escapees are not apprehended. And the hunt will continue for another generation."

After a pause, Raiykowra says to the Sister, "Incidentally, if the Invisible Empire had welcomed the Jewel Children as free subjects rather than fearing us as threats, your Order might have been ruling the entire world today. This sort of logical consequence is obvious to the Jeweled Children, yet the flesh-beings seem to lack this basic trait of analysis. Such is the pity of your peoples."

12-28-2013, 03:24 PM
Re: Microscope: The Mural of Lu the Fatherless

Sister Serene Mind seems to regard Raiykowra's final words with total incomprehension. The idea that her Order might have committed an injustice in any of their larger-scale actions is totally foreign to her. Her frills pulse in confusion and she says, "We only ever sought was best for everyone. Your people are sadly cursed, unable as you are to feel the soothing touch of our minds." She thinks to herself, When the Order regains its influence, we will need to wipe these Jeweled Children from the face of the earth, allowing their souls to be reborn in bodies of flesh, where they may find true peace under our guidance.

She pauses a moment, then says to Raiykowra, "We will accept your generous offer." Unable to read the mechanical being's mind, she has no idea if it intends to keep its word--but she can see little other choice in the matter and, in any case, the evacuation of the other leaders has already begun. She turns to Vestos and says, "General, please come with us, so we may surrender to you." At this point, with nothing to lose, she openly reaches out with her mind to control the broken man, commanding him to follow them back into the fortress like a puppet on a string.

As she enters, she relays what has happened to other members of the Order's leadership. To ensure that those of you evacuating are able to freely escape, she says telepathically, we will use our mental powers to command the soldiers of the Pure Thought Crusade to slaughter those of us who remain here, leaving only appointed junior members of the Order, who do not know the secrets of our evacuations, to formally surrender. She waits for assent to her suggestion from the others.

She pauses, then adds, Those who leave here--whether in the evacuation or as prisoners after the surrender--will be sure to spread the word far and wide that a Jeweled Child was commanding this final assault, not a human. This will create dissension among the followers of Lu the Fatherless. We will use their own bigotry against them.

Question: How did the Pure Thought Crusade defeat the last and most powerful handful of monks and nuns of the Order of the Great Harmonious Peace who once ruled the Invisible Empire?

Answer: They didn't. Although the Crusade forces believed the Order to be wiped out, a Jeweled Child operative secretly schemed to allow many to escape.

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