Midnight RPG - Chapter 10.89

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At some point during the eight-hour rest break that fell in between the descent into the hole and the beginning of the trek down the root, Durgaz will approach Eranon.

Durgaz/ Andrew

  • Durgaz: "Eranon. You said that you could not tell us how we got from our starting point to the middle of the swamp, or what happened during the five hour we spent unconscious. You told us you had a good reason for keeping this information secret, and I know this is true. I also know who you spoke with, and how you bargained for our lives, and the promise you made. I understand that you cannot relay any of this information to me, and that is not a problem, because I already know it. So do not feel as though you need to tell me anything that would violate your oath. (Durgaz motions to Eranon's scar.)

"Here is what I am worried about. You have promised to do all that you can to rid this marsh of the Vile's influence. I don't know how you intend to do that. If you intend to try and destroy the Vile all by yourself, I am certain it will lead to you dying a painful and ultimately meaningless death. I don't know what our companions hope to find in the Spire, but I get the impression that they intend to attempt parlay with Vrolk. This is not an interest that I share; but then, unlike Kyuad or the Sarcosan or yourself, I had not planned to deliberately seek out contact with the Spire's master. My interest lies elsewhere.

"But I do not want to see you die. And if you did attempt to slay Vrolk, and failed, it would probably mean the lives of the rest of us as well. So we need to try and think of an alternate way that you can try to break the curse on this marsh, as you promised, that will not result in our deaths."