No time for prayers

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Great Forks City Noir[edit]

I tried running a Heroic Mortals/Godblooded game in December 2012. The game fizzled before lifting off the ground. This is me resurrecting the game, because I felt I had a strong pitch and a story to tell. Here is the original pitch.

The Scavenger Lands have been pitched into bloody war! Thorns has invaded the Range Towns of Marukan, forcing the Realm to fight a proxy-war across the Inland Sea. Nexus is the Mask of Winter's next target, and the future of Creation is uncertain. Great Forks has become a Casablanca of sorts, filled to the brim with refugees trying to flee into the Hundred Kingdoms and beyond. But the City of Temples is rotten to its core, and all of the Ministers are on the take. Proper documentation must be provided to gain safe passage on the gargantuan steamboats that run down the Yellow River toward safety, and the warmachine of Thorns has its agents and pawns in place, choking the movement of refugees.

The players would be operatives in a secret organization led by a mysterious philanthropist by the name of Roual, who helps refugees gain safe passage through Great Forks. It is a dangerous mission in a dirty city, where nobody trusts anyone but everyone has to trust somebody.

-A World War II noir story in the City of Gods. Corrupt divinities smoking hooka pipes and denying refugees safe passage through the city. Godblooded femme fatales, sticking it to the man. G-men from Heaven, making shadowplays behind the scenes. Nazi Thorns soldiers patrolling the streets after curfew. Seedy dive bars and underground piano lounges act as the hideouts of rebels and rugged individualists of a golden generation willing to make a change in an age that has no time for prayers.

I've always wanted to run a film noire heartbreaker set in Great Forks. For No Time for Prayers I would want to limit PCs to be Heroic Mortals, minor Gods and Godblooded. If there is a general outcry to play actual Exalts I will allow Dragonblooded, but I thought it could be fun to explore the lower tiers of the power scale for this one. '

Dark Secrets[edit]

I will be accepting Heroic Mortals, Godbloods, Faebloods, Daemonbloods and Ghostbloods. Tapeworm pitched a half-caste in the original game, and I will make an exception to that rule if he still wants to play in the game. In addition to a starting level character, I want each player to PM me a Dark Secret. This can be something incriminating or defaming from the character's background. At the start of play, each character will know one other player's Dark Secret. This is to create a level of paranoia and tension, not necessarily to create irreconcilable inter-party problems. Use these Dark Secrets responsibly to create interesting situations and scenes, not to screw the other players over.

I also want a quick pitch of what kind of jobs you see your character carrying out for Roual. This should be a paragraph or two, and will be the basis for an additional background points set up by me the GM, to represent your ties into the War Refugee Board, which has been appointed to Roual by the Ministers of Great Forks.

Setting Specifics

Factions of Interest

Speakeasies and other important locations

Scummy people you might know