Princess Fierce Tiger

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Princess Fierce Tiger Stats (240 CP total)

Body 9
Mind 9
Soul 6

Health 75 (100) (120 in armor form)
Energy 75

ACV 10
Attributes (321 CP total) Attack Combat Mastery 2 (20) Aura of Inspiration (through Military Sciences) 2 (8 CP)

Combat Techniques (Blindfight, Brutal 2, Concealment, Critical Strike, Dead Eye Deflection, Judge Opponent, Leap Attack, Lethal Blow, Lightning Reflexes 4, Multiple Targets, Precise Aim, Reflection, Steady Hand) 17 (34 CP) Features (Appearance x3, Fame) 4 (4 CP) Massive Damage (Unlimited) 2 (20 CP) Organisational Ties (White Tiger Empire) 10 (20 CP) Regeneration (15 HP / round; requires water (usually drunk) (15 CP) Supersense: Chi Sense 3 (6 CP) Special Defense 4 (Lack of Air 2, Low Pressure 2, Cold 1) (10 CP) Special Movement 8 (Light-footed, Balance, Wall-Bouncing, Fast x5) (16 CP)

Superstrength 4 (32 CP)

Tough 5 (10 CP)

Wealth 4 (20 CP) Item: The White Tiger Armor (Transforming Combat Power Armor) (30 CP) - Armor 20 (AR 40) (40 CP)
- Superstrength 2 (16 CP)
- Features 2 (Radio, Highly Maneuverable) (2 CP)
- Jumping 2 (4 CP)
- Unique Restriction (Maintenance) (-2 CP)

Alternate Form 5 (45 CP)

   +3 Sizes (From Medium to Gargantuan: x8 Height (~13.6m), x512 Mass, x1000 lifting cap, +12 damage delivered, +12 AR, -3 to hit with / defend against ranged attacks, x8 distance when using thrown weapons, x8 running speed (60 CP)
   Armor 5 (+10 AR) (+10 CP)
Tough x4 (8 CP)
Awkward Size 3 (-12 CP)
Big And Heavy (-2 CP)
Activation (-2 CP)
Recovery (-2 CP)
Equipment: Armor (-2 CP)
Time Limit (1 hour) (-3 CP)
Detectable (Sound, Sight and Chi) (-2 CP)

Item: The Blue Dragon Blade (Power Flux - Melee (and long-ranged melee) Attacks 10) (25 CP)

Skills (57 CP total)
Administration (Government) 4 (4)
Animal Training (Tigers) 2 (4)
Cultural Arts (Wulin Knowledge) 1 (1)
Etiquette (Courtly Etiquette) 2 (2)
Interrogation (Psychological) 3 (6)
Intimidation 3 (Street) (6)
Law (Wulin Challenge Rituals) 1 (1)
Military Sciences (Strategy) 5 (10)
Navigation (Space) 2 (2)
Performing Arts (Public Speaking) 3 (3)
Riding (Tigers) 2 (2)
Stealth (Silent Movement) 3 (9)
Swimming (Diving) 2 (2)
Wilderness Survival (Plains) 2 (2)
Wilderness Tracking (Plains) 2 (2)
Writing (Edicts) 1 (1)

Defects (-18 CP)
Easily Distracted (by girly and cute things) (-2 CP)
Girl/Guy Magnet (-3 CP)
Marked (The Tiger Princess is known to all. TO ALL.) (-3 CP)
Owned (Princess of the White Tiger Empire) (-4 CP)
Wanted (There are huge bounties on her head, mostly by the Blue Dragon Empire whom she got the Blue Dragon Blade from) (-6 CP)

Total 600/600 CP spent