Seeds in their Pockets

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This is the wiki page for the solarpunk Traveller game "Seeds in their Pockets"


  • Basic Training Every character has Skill-0 in all skills that were in the basic training list of their career.
  • Related skills A skill that is strongly related to a skill that the player has at at least level 2 can be attempted as -1 to the skill that is known. So Sword-3 provides Cutlass-2 and so forth.
  • Jack-o-T counts as skill-1 for any skill. Which means that Jack-o-T-1 removes the untrained modifier and even provides a +1DM for all skills , which makes you very versatile. It also applies when we cannot easily fit an action to a skill. I reserve the right to veto its use in some situations: no brain surgery etc.
  • High-tech items Equipment over TL-7 will need an 8+ throw to function on any given day. The throw has a -1 DM for each TL over 7. Items made on Sunflower (like your communicators) get a +2 DM as they are hardened against EMP (which makes them often clunkier than the Imperium equivalent). So an offplanet TL8 Laser Carbine would need to make a throw of 9+ but your Sunflower-made (TL8) communicators, need a throw of 7+


Picture UPP
Traveller rogue.png Enzo Tameron 597899 Age 34 CR 9,400

4 terms Other

Forgery 2, Computer 1, Jack-of-all-Trades 1 (modified house rule)

(Service skills at 0: Vehicle TBC, Gambling, Brawling, Bribery, Blade Cbt, Gun Cbt)


Body Pistol and 2x ammo, Rifle and 5x ammo, Mesh, Dagger, Short range comm, Personal computer (software TBC)

Traveller woman.jpg Aniella Baker 9459BB Age 46 Cr 39200
7 terms Merchant (2nd Officer); Retirement Pay: 8000
Skills: Engineering-1, Medical-3, Sword-3, Laser Rifle-1, Steward-1, Helicopters-1, Bribery-2
Gear: Sword-1, Low Passage Ticket-2, Mesh Armor, long range comm, medical kit, light intensifier googles, combination respirator/air filter

Aniella (ON yel ah) has put a lot of years into plying trade routes on good and bad ships. Recently retired from the corps with a pension, she is looking for somewhere to apply her diverse skills. Herny Westerly, her son, thinks she should come visit him and help take care of Rulia and Jesse, her grandchildren. But Henry is a tightwad who probably wants her to pay the rent from her pension. She has not heard from Mary, her daughter who joined the Marines of branches, in years and the Marines have never sent a death notice. The less said about Albert Westerly, her ex, the better.

Traveller Guard.jpg Zoe Chao Lin 847B7B Age 30 Cr 32,990

3 terms Army (Major)

Vehicle (Ground Car) 2, Air/Raft 0, Gun Combat 0 (Rifle) 1, (SMG) 1, Forward Observer 1, Blade Combat 1 (Saber), Mechanical 1, Brawling 1
Automatic Rifle (Cr 1,000) 5 Kg 3D damage, Rifle Ammunition x5 (Cr 100) 2.5 Kg (20 Rounds / Clip), SMG Ammunition x4 (Cr 40) 1 Kg (15 Rounds / Clip), Telescopic Sights (Cr 200) .8 Kg, Mesh (Cr 150)
Traveller Naval.png

Chip Lister: 9C8796 Age 38 CR 30000

5 terms Scout (Retirement Pay 4000)
Engineering 1, Gunnery 1, Jack-of-all-Trades 1, Mechanical 1, Pilot 1, Vacc Suit 1, Vehicle (Grav Belt) 1
Vehicle and Transport Options
Scout Ship, Low Passage Ticket


Filetti.png Captain Luna Filetti 87A873 Age 22 (decd.)

3 terms

Laser Carbine-1, Rifle-2, SMG-1, Evectronics-1
Professor Tabitha Sabel-Filetti 938FA6 Age 38 Cr 0
5 terms Scientist
Retirement Pay,4000,Lab Ship,1,Mid Passage Ticket,1,High Passage Ticket,1
Chrisjen.png Lt Wei Weber 212BAB Age 96-120 (decd.)

X terms

Brawling-2, Bribery-2, Carousing-4, Computers-2, Espionage-3, Electronics-2, Forgery-3, Gambling-1, Rifle-2, Streetwise-3
Scientist Hiroto Kowalski B76A65 Age 46

7 terms Cr40,000

Skills: Computer-2, Electronics-2, Gravitics-1, Jack-o-T-1, Survival-1, Tracked Vehicle-2

Benefits: 8,000/yr Retirement Pay, Lab Ship, Low Passage

Weapon Cards

The tables below show the standard Traveller weapons. The numbers are the throw needed (dice plus your personal modifiers) to hit. A character with DEX 9 and SMG-1 would Throw 2D6+3 and hit someone wearing ballistic cloth armour at 20m if the dice showed five or more.


CT Hands Brawling.png CT Club (Brawling Weapons).png CT Dagger.png CT Sword.png CT Cutlass.png


CT Automatic Pistol.png CT Body Pistol.png CT Revolver.png CT Carbine.png CT Rifle.png CT Automatic Rifle.png CT Laser Rifle.png CT Shotgun.png CT Submachine Gun.png CT Laser Carabine.png