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Dear Jack,

Do you prefer to be called Jack? Or Redland? Or some other name? Maxine is mine but friends such as you can call me Maxx. I like you prefer to be informal with correspondence as it allows us to speak more candidly, don't you think?

You thank me for kindness, when I simply see us behaving as people ought and getting to know each other to hopefully continue to strike a friendly accord and build rapport. I should thank you for your kindness of allowing me to express opinion and giving it respectful regard without trying to ignore it, sweep it under a rug or devalue it. It's refreshing. I appreciate your "thorniness," as I think it is healthy to think, question and debate when making key decisions...the trick is knowing when the time for such has passed or gauging when you've lost the interest or understanding of your opposite party. I think we all must work on that. (smile) .

As it happens, I find you to be smart, passionate and clear to support your view even when not popular - so what is not to like or respect about you with such strength and integrity? Now I may not agree with all your views or opinions, we may have differing pulls in our actions and find ourselves opposite in debate but that should not mar our basic respect for each other (unless your decisions/inclination are in line with such things as eating babies, hating Egypt or burning the elderly and felines - then we may be at odds from our core values). I confess, I'd like to see you in less spiritual torment and frustration and to be happier in your skin amongst others but regardless of such thoughts I like who you are right now.

We have each other's signatures so yes, telepathic or as it is popularly called "brainwave radio" is agreeable to me with you or you and Henrik as it falls. I'm still going to find the way to put you and Edward in contact. I do not know for sure if you will find yourselves friendly, but I imagine even with different perspectives on your relations with the Others you may find some common ground that could allow you both some measure of relief or revelation regarding the connections you both keep. As for the other matter, I truly have faith in your discretion, your word and your abilities. Though If there is more I can do for you, just let me know.

I'll keep you posted on our actions and events feel free to do the same. I keep counsel well and would be happy to extend myself to you in such a way if you find yourself in need of a not traveling with you ear to bend, in whichever medium is most comfortable to you. I wish you luck with your next endeavor and hope you will be good to yourself and take care.

Your friend,
