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Were we ever in any danger? (Dec/Feb)

What I have seen cannot be denied... but what have I seen?

After many days of being told of the dangerous and powerful "Lady", we finally confronted her, here in Bailey on the 21st of December. Going down into the bowels of the earth, underneath some sort of church, we traveled for what seemed forever (but was probably not that long) in claustrophobic darkness. The brash detective claims he saw some sort of giant scorpion and took a shot at it. My companions were, of course, armed to the teeth, and we were all in a state of heightened tension from oppressive environment and the fearful tales we had been told. Carl claimed it was probably some sort of messenger demon or some such. I never saw it, but it seems more likely than not that it was merely some normal, large creature from the surrounding woods.

Eventually we came upon a chamber where a bunch of drug addicts hung about in a mindless stupor. Passing by them without incident, we arrived at a smaller chamber with another group of drugged individuals. This room was far creepier with a stack of (what looked to be) human skins arrayed about the walls. Declaring this to be the lair of the Lady, Carl, Auda, and Henrik draw pictures and wander doing various arcane things. Carl then declares that the Lady has been defeated.

Outside, the depraved addicts/cultists were engaged in some sort of obscene sex acts. Disgusted, I returned to the village with John.

So, to sum up: to defeat this extremely powerful personage, we traveled to a location in the woods and Carl performed a ceremony. Then we traveled to an underground chamber and performed a second ceremony. There was never any sign of the "powerful" Lady. Thus, I wonder: Were we ever really in danger?