The Sellsword Queen:The Viterna-Ecclesia War

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It the year 826 AU. Almost a thousand years have passed since the Fall of the Ancient Viterna Empire. After the fragmentation of Sidissum, fear and uncertainty gripped the world. Some of Viterna's greatest heroes renounced the Empire and struck out on their own, while others still turned to faith to calm their souls for the dark days ahead. Worshippers of Inpral, God of Order, gathered in the territory now known as Ecclesia, and their influence began to spread. 800 years later, Ecclesia is poised to seize Sidissum, with worshippers of Inpral marching further north-west with every passing moment. Armies gather at the Ignis Desert, awaiting confirmation to invade what remains of Viterna.

Never managing to fully rebuild after its Empire collapsed, Viterna's lack of fortresses and strong armies make it an easy target for Inpral's followers. In desperation, Queen Lyra IV turned to the Arkadorian Merchant Guilds, and the warriors of The Contractor's Collective. To complement the weak armies of modern Viterna, thousands of mercenaries have been shipped to the northlands to hold back the Ecclesian invasion. You are just one of thousands of sellswords, freshly recruited and ready for battle, having landed in Orient, and eager to make the week-long trek to Caelesnam, where the best contracts can be found. Straight, it would seem, from the Queen herself.

Current State of Viterna

Viterna Map 1.png

  • 174-826: