The Stars Are Right: The Irish Rose: Letter 8

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Return to The Stars Are Right: The Irish Rose.

F. Lovejoy to H. Flynn

24 August 1932


I've received a letter from someone calling themselves the Comte de la Fere who claims to have been a friend of yours, and to have seen you under Parkhurst's care back in January. They're interested in an article I wrote about the rescue of a pair of children from a farmhouse early last week, which I've included. Do you know them? They were interested in securing Parkhurst's notes, which has generally been a red flag. More information if you're interested; hope you feel better.


H. Flynn to F. Lovejoy, received 28 August 1932

August 1932

Dear Frank,

What a surprise to get a letter from you! (Even if it was mostly all business.)
What I know about this Comte de la Fere is all second hand, and hearsay. I've never been introduced to them (him? her?) — and to claim we are friends is a bit of a stretch. However — it is possible that he — or she — did see me in January. (More on that in a bit.) I know it sounds all complicated, and I suppose it is.
First understand that I got all of my information from indirect third-hand sources. De Bonnevault's Household (which of course included myself) was still inside the borders of the Enclave during that time. This was before the Queen arrived... and even before the Fae folk existed.