Across the border

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  • A CoC game.
  • través de la frontera
  • La Guerra de la frontera
  • tl'iish bik'ehgo'ihi'dan

13th Cavalry[edit]

  • The regiment was constituted 2 February 1901 in the Regular Army as Troop K, 13th Cavalry. The regiment was organized on 26 July 1901 in Fort Meade, South Dakota. The first task of the regiment was in the Philippines from 1903 to 1905 and from 1909 to 1910 where they engaged rebels as part of the Philippine-American War..

The 13th Cavalry was transferred to Fort Riley, Kansas, in 1911. On March 9, 1916 the 13th Cavalry was in Columbus, New Mexico which was raided by Pancho Villa, eight soldiers and ten civilians were killed. Under General John J. Pershing, the regiment fought in the Mexican Expedition from 1916 to 1917, which was a response to the attack on Columbus. On April 12, 1916, about 100 men of the 13th Cavalry engaged Mexican federal troops in the Battle of Parral. During the fighting, two Americans were killed and six others were wounded. However, they defeated the Mexicans, killing at least a dozen of them or possibly many more. The 13th Cavalry remained ready near the Mexican border until 1921.

Squad and tactics.[edit]

  • A Horse Cavalry Rifle Squad consisted of a Corporal and seven Privates in two sets of Four. One of the Privates acted as the Squad's Second-in-command (2IC). Each set of Four consisted of a Squad leader or 2IC, a Scout, a Horseholder and a Rifleman. Mounted troopers would attack with their pistols; at the command 'Charge', troopers would shorten their reins, lean well forward and ride at full speed toward the enemy. Each trooper would select a victim to his immediate front and bear down on him with his pistol extended at arm's length, withholding fire until within 25 yards. When fighting on foot, the horseholder would takes control of the other horses in the Four, the other troopers would dismount and take their rifles from the scabbards


  • Col Slocum-1st April 1916
  • COL Allen.
    • Colonel H.T. Allen,
    • Major Frank Tompkins

character ideas[edit]

  • Remember that they can come from anywhere in Europe. At least one British immigrant would be handy. If from a non english speaking country English will be spoken at half % of your mother tongue.
  • Try and think of what career you might want after and choose a least one skill relevant to that, using Int skill points.
  • Spanish language

Chihuahuan desert[edit]

Previous combat experience[edit]

  • For every year of active service you gain 1EDU (max 21) +20% skills. You also subtract 1d4 san for each year. For every 5 years of non-combat service add 1EDU, but no SAN loss.
  • 13th cav
    • Philippines. 1903 to 1905 and from 1909 to 1910 (to be 18yrs old in 1903 you were born in 1885)
  • Others
    • Boxer rebellion 1899-1900 (to be 18yrs old then you were born in 1881)
    • Spanish American war 1898 (to be 18yrs old then you were born in 1880)
      • Cuba 1898
    • Nicaragua 1912 occupation (to be 18yrs old then you were born in 1894)
    • Moro rebellion 1899-1913

Post Mexico[edit]

Trying to get as varied group

  • WWI
    • Pilots
    • Marines
    • Navy
    • The Big Red one, other infantry regiments.
    • Military intelligence/HQ
    • Join the British army, then American. Tanker.
    • The German army?? possible if a german immigrant.

Character sheet[edit]

Character slots[edit]

  • Platoon leader Second Lieutenant. Pistol (rifle of choice), sabre.
  • Platoon Staff Sergeant Pistol, rifle or shotgun
  • 2 riflemen privates (corporal) rifle and pistol
  • 2 Horse holders privates rifle and pistol
  • 2 Scouts privates rifle (winchester) and pistol (+tomahawk if Sioux)


  • Edu+6=min age. For every ten years over you get +1EDU and 20% skill points.
  • remember this is a prequel to some 1920-30's games so you might not want to be too old.
  • Born in 1886 makes you 30 when the game starts.
  • Born in 1896 makes you 20.

Soldier Skills[edit]

  • Climb
  • Conceal
  • Credit rating (promotions/medals).
  • Demolitions
  • Dodge
  • Drive
  • Electrical Repair
  • Fast Talk
  • First Aid
  • Hide
  • Jump
  • Listen
  • Map making
  • Mech repair
  • Navigate
  • Operate HV machinery
  • Persuade
  • Photography
  • Pilot
  • Psychology
  • Ride (start Edux 5%) min must be 40%
  • Sneak
  • Speak other language:
  • Pot hidden
  • Swim
  • Throw
  • Track

  • Rifle combat (bayonet and butt)
  • Fighting knife
  • Handgun
  • Rifle/shotgun
  • Machine gun (Hotchkiss_M1909_Benet-Mercie_machine_gun)
  • Sabre
  • Fist
  • Kick
  • Headbutt
  • Grapple.

