Alton hotair
Party members (Bas) Wong Fei-hung: Drunken master (Mause) Billy Blanks: Stunner
Alignment: True neutral, he is just way to lazy to care about any of that.
Bio: You could say that Alton is a honest guy. A hero send by his tribes elders to rid the world of evil and bring peace to all. It just doesn’t make it true.
The best way to describe Alton is probably as a round leather ball with arms legs and a jet of hot flames.
Together with his friends Wong and Billy-Blanks he has crossed the earth looking for adventure (or just beer).
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LvL 20.
Entangeling Exhalation
You can use your breath weapon to create an entangling mesh of energy.
Prerequisites: Dragonblood subtype, breath weapon.
Benefit: When you use your breath weapon, you can choose to enmesh all creatures in its area instead of producing its normal effect. Your breath weapon deals only half its normal damage; however, any creature that takes damage from your breath weapon becomes entangled and takes an ectra 1d6 points of damage, of the same energy type as normally dealt by your breath weapon, each round at the start of your turn. This effect lasts for 1d4 rounds. If your breat weapon doesn’t deal energy damage, creatures damaged by the initial breath are still entangled but don’t take additional damage on later rounds.
Exhaled Barrier
You can use your breath weapon to create a wall of energy.
Prerequisites; Dragonblood subtype, breath weapon.
Benefit: When you use your breath weapon, you can choose to create a 10-foot-by-10-foot vertical plane of energy instead of producing its normal effect. The opaque wall’s near endpoint begins at any corner of your space and extends in a straight line for 10 feet or until it contacts a solid surface. The wall lasts for 1d4 rounds. Any creature passing though the wall takes damage equal to that normally dealt by your breath weapon. If you create the wall so that it appears where creatures are, each creature takes damage as if passing though the wall. Either way, a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ your HD + your Con modifier) halves this damage.
If your breath weapon doesn’t deal energy damage, the wall deals fire damage. If your breath weapon doesn’t deal damage, the deals 2d6 points of fire damage.
Ability Focus (breath attack)
Choose one of the creature’s special attacks. The attack becomes more potent than normal.
Prerequisite: Special attack.
Benefit: Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against the special attack on which the creature focuses.
Special: A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the creature takes the feat, it applies to a different special attack.
Skill Trick[edit]
Nimble Stand
You can rely on your acrobatic talent to stand up from prone safely.
Prerequisite: Tumble 8 ranks.
Benefit: You can stand up from prone without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Endure exposure
Least; 3rd
With a touch, you grant a creature (or yourself) the ability to withstand hot or cold environments as if effected by the endure elements spell (PH 226). In addition the target is immune to any effects of your breath weapon. This invocation’s effect last for 24 hours.
Endure Elements
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Sun 1 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 24 hours Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
A creature protected by endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. It can exist comfortably in conditions between –50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves). The creature’s equipment is likewise protected.
Endure elements doesn’t provide any protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.
Least; 2nd
You can create magical darkness, as the darkness spell.
Evocation [Darkness]
Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Components: V, M/DF Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Object touched Duration: 10 min./level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No
This spell causes an object to radiate shadowy illumination out to a 20-foot radius. All creatures in the area gain concealment (20% miss chance). Even creatures that can normally see in such conditions (such as with darkvision or low-light vision) have the miss chance in an area shrouded in magical darkness.
Normal lights (torches, candles, lanterns, and so forth) are incapable of brightening the area, as are light spells of lower level. Higher level light spells are not affected by darkness.
If darkness is cast on a small object that is then placed inside or under a lightproof covering, the spell’s effect is blocked until the covering is removed.
Darkness counters or dispels any light spell of equal or lower spell level.
Arcane Material Component: A bit of bat fur and either a drop of pitch or a piece of coal.
Frightful Presence
Lesser; 3rd
In any round in which you attack or use your breath weapon, you can use this invocation as a swift action. Any enemies within 30 feet of you who fail a Will save become shaken for 10 minutes. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Dragons and other creatures immune to the frightful presence of dragons are likewise immune to this invocation.
Anklet of Translocation
Body slot: Feet Activation: Swift (command) Number: 2 / day Cost: 1400gp
An anklet of translocation allows you to make short dimensional hops. When it is activated, you can instantly teleport (with no chance of error) up to 10 feet. The new space must be within line of sight and line of effect.
You can’t use the anklet to move into a space occupied by another creature, nor can u teleport into a solid object; if you attempt to do so, the anklet’s activation is wasted. You can bring along objects weighing up to your maximum load, but you can’t bring another creature with you.
Amber Amulet of Vermin (giant bee)
Body slot: Throat Activation: Standard (command) Number: 1 / day Cost: 500gp
This item summons a giant vermin that appears and obeys your commands for 1 minute (as if summoned by summon nature’s ally). At the end of this duration, the creature vanishes.
Eight varieties of the amber amulet of vermin exist (see table for the details of each version). An amber amulet of vermin works once per day.
Monstrous Scorpion, Huge
Huge Vermin
Hit Dice: 10d8+30 (75 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (–2 size, +12 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+21
Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d8+6)
Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d8+6) and sting +6 melee (2d4+3 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Constrict 1d8+6, improved grab, poison
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +3
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 10, Con 16, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Skills: Climb +10, Hide –4, Spot +4
Dragon spirit cincture
Body slot: Waist Activation: X Number: X Cost: 2000gp
While you wear a dragon spirit cincture, your breath weapon damage is increased by one die (or by 1 point if your breath weapon doesn’t deal damage expressed in dice).
If you are holding a magic weapon that deals the same type of damage as your breath weapon, your breath weapon save DC increases by 1.
Armband of Elusive Action
Price: 800gp Body slot: Arms Activation: Immediate (mental)
An armband of elusive action allows you to protect yourself from the hazards of battlefield chaos. When it is activated, the band allows you to avoid provoking a single attack of opportunity that your action would otherwise incure.
An armband of elusive action functions once per day.
Crystal of energy assault (least, fire)
Body slot: weapon crystal Activation: X Number: X Cost: 600gp
This crystal adds 1 point of fire damage to the weapon’s damage.
- = sesion end
Day one,[edit]
Waking up I vaguely remember being in the army and running a bar, the Slap-O-Lumber sounds familiar. Why do we own a bar? It was probably Wong’s idea, the stupid drunk. This is just one of these days you better not question. I’m always long glad that they didn’t slip my throat during those heavy drinking nights.
The room looks familiar, looking around I see some of my furniture. I can’t image carrying those around (just thinking about it makes me tired) so I must life here now.
Coming downstairs I fond Wong and Billy already awake. After a few beers a messenger came in, Colonel Cutter who apparently has been our supervisor for a while now has a new mission for us. The bar they tell us is property of the army and if we don’t do the missions we will lose it again. To make things worsh it also turns out that we didn’t just join the army but have even gone so far as to become members of a top secret black ups team. That’s the last time I’m holding a drinking contest with Wong.
The mission seams simple enough. We have to get into some unknown cave filled with giant monsters and look for signs of some lost squat of army men. A warforged, a human and a goliath. I don’t know why there bothered with what has happened to them, anyone who can’t stand there own shouldn’t be there in the first place.
At least the army will send some replacements to look after the bar while were gone. i douth this mission is any more work then running this bar, time for a vacation.
Near the cave is a small village, we are to get information about the events that have occurred here. the plan was that we would be teleported to the village and that one of the villagers would bring us to the cave. as it turned out however we where teleported even more then a hundered feet from the village and we had to walk all the way there by our selfs.
Entering the village the people seem to be more then willing to help us, we even gotten free drinks. Everyone? Well not everyone was helpful, but after a small bar fight (i didn't even got to join) they where unconscious outside. Billy wanting to increase there insult of being beaten put one body on top of the other in some undignified way.
the creatures from the cave are described as a mix of a frog and a large bear. Oh well you know what they say, love is blind.
the three army men had arrived just after the first attack and had taken the sheriff with them to the hole. the sheriff was found near the entrance of the cave heavily burned and the army men where nowhere to be seen.
Seeing as Billy and Wong havent got a clue about injuries I had go and heal the sheriff so that we might get some better info. It is long way to the sherifs house but I dont like the idea of wandering around the woods for days any better.
It took me a few tryes to find the right house, maybe i should have listened to the bar lady who told me exactly which house it was.
After some tiredsome healing work of the weak human he wasn't even able to tell us anything good. But he was prepared to show us where the cave was if i healed him fully, as if the last 4 seconds wherent eunogh. A full 4 seconds later i was finaly done.
Time to go back to the pub and get some more beer and a good night sleep. I think I more then earned that at least for my hard 8 seconds of work.
Day two[edit]
This moring we took some horses to the cave. The entrance was a sheer drop of about 20ft with on the other side a blocked passage. It looks like were not even welcome so its a good thing we have some dumb force with us, it took Wong and billy not to long to make a nice hole througt the blockade. Before we gone in I used my acrcane force to make Wong and Billy immune to my breath attacks, no use waisting energy on trying not to hit them. And hitting them again they might take offence. The cave looked smooth, like a dwarfen cave. Wong went ahead to scout, or in plane languish run trough the hallway and we would see if he triggers traps or gets attacked. When Wong was at the other side of the hallways a creature came at us from the intersection halfway across the hallway and it brought a friend. Billy was the first they saw so they both came at him. While Wong staggered back to us i hit them both with some slowing breath. No need for us to get tired just because they want to attack. I could see the fear in the eye's of one of them the moment i released my breath. To bad that even in his shaken state it still seemed decided to fight us. I would have liked him to run, then i might get some rest while the others kill the remaining one. Oh well then i better get this over with quickly. With a combo of electricity breaths, slow breaths, entangling breaths and breath barriers i was able to rest a few seconds after every attack to keep my strenght up. It is a shame I overdid it, my last breath barrier was still blazing lightning after both creatures where dead, all that energy wasted. the corpses seem to hold a number of nice looking stones, Billy took them with him, maybe we can sell them to some fool. We searched the rest of the cave but there was nothing worth our time. just three hallways coming to three rooms and one secret room filled with straw. It does sound plausible that they have eaten the two flessy army men, but the warforged? Oh well, who knows anyway.
With a special magical ring from Cutter we where able to call a army specialist to examine the sight and declare our job done. At least that's what Wong told me. For all i know he just spend a few minutes talking to himself and it was just luck that the specialist arrived shortly afterwards. I don't think the specialist was to smart, just because I told him I would chatsh him made him think I actually could. Man look at me in a halfling, a h-a-f-l-i-n-g, like in small and weak. I wonder why he was able to teleport all the way to the entrance of the cave but needed my help getting down. At least he didn't dock my pay for it. He declared the cave cleared of any useful information and send for a demolition team to break down the walls to prevent anyone fining this place and to make sure it can never used again by the enemy. after some nice fireworks we all telepoterd back to the Slap-O-Lumber for soem relexing beers. bored with our own discusting beeer we went to look for a new place to hang. Not far from the Slap-o-Lumber we found a nice quiet little pub. It probably was so quite because anyone who caused any trouble would be killed without a second thought. of course the moment we walked in Billy started to yell "free drinks at the slap-o-lumber" which emptied the pub pritty quick. yup, this is going to get in the way of me sitting at a table to get some rest. the bartender gave us a choice, eider we would buy a beer for one gold piece or they would slit our throat and collect it form our dead body's. Wong tryed to haggle with them to make it a silver piece instead but they refused. well what else could we do then, paying a gold piece is just bad for business. so Billy and Wong gotten in a heavy fight with the bartender and what look like his twin. i didn't really feel like fighting tonight so i stayed back a bit and just healed them a few times. however it seemed like this battle would take forever and i just don't have that much time so i used my breath combo's at them to even the odds (or just to break the odds).
some of the costumers took offence in the bludgeoned and burned body's lying on the bar, but we solved that by giving the deiced bartender's beer away for free and making the biggest of the costumers the ownership of this pub. kicking the body's off the bar the new owner eagerly started to give out beers from behind the bar.
after a few free beers we went back to our own bar.
Day three[edit]
The next morning we closed the bar for the day and went to look for some more money. the stones we found in the cave where easy to sell for 100gp each. Its better then nothing i ghes. at the sheriff's office we found three bounty's, the first was for a groper (500gp). It turns out that there is a man on the prowl that molests Lady's in the night. The second one (1000gp) was for a shop-robber, he is known as a violent and aggressive mugger that robs shops over town. The last bounty (500gp) is for three men who have been seen killing a bartender and his brother.
Wong seems keen on catching the molester, however in a big city like this there is a small chance to find him. especially for this low bounty. we tryed to get a wizard to help us with some divination, but they just ask way to much gold for it. so we decided to drop it for now and ask around for the robber. i walked the streets while Wong and Billy interview the shopkeepers in the area. at nightfall, the robbers striking time we split up across town to look for him. walking tough a number of alleyways i see allot of people one even attacked me. i did like him, he died without any real struggle. after a few Hours of nothingness i see Wong and Billy again. they have caught the molester. he tryed to run away a few times but was way to slow for that. the man claimed that he cant be the man they just saw attacking a girl because he just left a from the lady's of the night a few seconds ago. there hasn't been time to do anything else. to be sure that he speaks the trough we drag him to where he claims he has been and interview the woman. it turns out that he was indeed here and couldn't have been attacking a girl a few streets away at the exact same time.
The was only one thing to do now. we grabbed a random person off the street and placed a dagger on him. However when we went to the shop to hand in then shoplifter they refused to pay us any reward. Letting the thief go we returned to the bar. I had bar duties and after a few drink a human came in. I think he wanted eider all of my money or a drink, I'm not sure at the moment. so what els could i do, i just ignored him. after he had a few wild swings I called Wong to come and throw him out. Unwilling to leave he had to be persuaded with a few fire barrier's. it wasn't long before Wong broke his will and the drunk was thrown out. the drunk customer that attacked me that is, all the other drunk didn't move.
While Wong took out the trash Cornell Cutter came in with a new mission. We had to find a secret door to a wizards tower on a island in the middle of nowhere. It had to be the door to the tower and not the door to the hill. We would be teleported to the island by night. I wonder if he knows that hes sending three drunks to find some unseen door without being cauth. This should get fun. the catsh is
After a quick teleport we walked around the island a few times and searched all around the tower but couldn't find a thing. Maybe its just an illusion, i don't belief there is a tower in the first place. why would anyone want to live here. I chose to get a rest and Wong wanted us to walk circles around the island. so we compromised by me lying still and he pulling me around the island. after a few miles Wong noticed a strange looking pease of stone. I told him it was nonsens, stone is stone so its eider stone or as fake as the tower. walking tough the stone i saw a tunnel on the other side. for some reason both Billy and Wong felt that was a good time to rest even tough i just suggested the same a few hours ago. so after a quick nap we went into the tunnel.
Day Four[edit]
About 30 feet inside Wong steped on a stone that moved down with his foot. at the same time the doorway behind us slamed shut, we could hear the same noise form ahead. on our left we saw that the wall was opening. I made Wong and Billy immune for my breath attack again and we waited to see what was behind door number 1. The moment the door was open Wong charged inside and Billy tumbled after him. From behind there backs i could see the vague shape of a giant snakeperson towering over me.
A fierce battle began, at least that's what i think it was. i couldn't really see that much from behind Wong so i just blew fire into the room. Billy was probely unable to hold his lickor and began pushing Wong out of the way. when he was unable to do so he healed the Snakeperson. It didn't really matter, i know him and he's unlikely to heal very effectively. Billy seemed to think in the same line because he soon quite healing the snake and pushed me into the hallway. Oh well its not the most stupid thing one of our party has ever done so ill just ignore it for now. Reminds me a bit of the time we woke up in the middle of the troll district wrapped up in raw meat. good times, good times.
So ignoring Billy i teleported past him and started to attack the Snake again. Wong and I soon overcame it while Billy keeped healing him.
After we walked around for a bit we heared another grinding sound from the hallway ahead and saw two walls opening again. Wong went to check out the right one and Billy the left one. i stayed in the middle and supervised. Billy found two talking parrots so we went to check out his hallway first.
At the end of the hallway where two doors, two parrots on pedestals and a sigh in dracnic that said "Danger, danger" .
Wong took out his crowbar and jamed it into the left door breaking it open (i wonder if it was locked in the first place). One of the parrots said "welcome to the treasure room". Billy searched the room and Wong helped him do it while i waited whit he parrots. From the room i suddenly heared Billy scream "Combat" and he tumbled into the hallway with me. From the sound of it Wong has charged something. walking into the room i could see Wong fighting a chest. This wasn't a uncommon thing except that the chest was also fighting back. two small arms came out of the lid and they hit Wong. I placed a fire wall on top of the chest and watched Wong grapple the chest, one of the parrots in the hallway started to laugh but my electricity breath didnt seem to damage it. so i watched Wong beat a chest till nothing was left except for a puddle of goe. searching it Billy found a amulet, however when Wong put it on he didn't feel any different so we let Billy carry it.
Back in the hallway Billy tryed the right door, this one was indeed unlocked. the parrot said " welcome to the playground". looking around the corner Billy saw a large rock about halfway. That must be part of the playground. So i ran at it and tryed to to hop over it, when i gotten close to it however it suddenly grew arms and legs and attacked me. This is just weird, i could never jump this high. What kind of playground is this. From the hallway behind me i could hear one of the parrots.
Billy came from behind me tryed to tumble trough the rock, got half way, got slap-ed by the rock and fell behind me. Wong came to my left and it the rock from the side. I erected a fire wall onto the Rock and it took a stepped back and disappeared. every now and then Wong or Billy would tumble past me hit the air, get hit by something unseen and tumbled back behind me. I suddenly saw a bottle of wine fly past me and hit something in mid air. It dripped all over an unseen object and coloured it red. I could hear Wong scream from the pain in his soul for seeing a bottle of wine being wasted. Wong came back to the frond line to help kill the rock while Billy hung back and took care of his wounds. It wasn't long after that for the rock to crumble. Looking past the rock Wong saw that there stone there looked kind of strange to him. when he hit his crowbar at hit it went straight trough and we could hear animal sound. Healing my own wounds i had just enough healing left for one person, Wong gave me a bottle of wine and for some reason Billy was left out of the healing.
So wounded and beaten Billy really wanted to rest a bit and before moving on. thus we went back to the room with the attacking chest to get some rest. I fell asleep almost immediately while Wong keped guard. In my dream i could hear the sound of the parrot laughing every now and that but it didn't disturbed me.
Day Five[edit]
After a good night rest Wong went to bake a egg he pulled out of somewhere. Billy went to explore some hallways so i was left to wonder around on my own.
I went to the fake stone wall Wong found yesterday and put my head in it to look inside. My whole body was pulled in and i fell head first into a hallway with 3 cages on eider side. In these cages i could see animals made of different animals. The closest to me was a Tiger with eagle wings and head. Hungry from the smell of Wong's eggs i started to bake the first animal with my fire breath. The next thing i knew was that all the doors opened and all of the animals started to pour out and attack me. So i jumped back tourgh the fake wall.
Looking into the hallway I could see Billy trying to lure me with a coin or something. You would thing that after all these years he would know that money doesn't really interests me.