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This term refers either to a star-shaped symbol used in certain barbarian scripts, or the most vicious of eels. It was created by Kimberry, so my informants say, as a means of controlling the gigantic sharks and other creatures (such as the famed K'thang) that swam within her.

During the early stages of the Primordial War, such beasts would often escape the expanse of their Creator-Sea and maraud along the coastlines of the more remote parts of Creation. 'The Ballad of Perphyron Deran' obviously contains a folk memory of an attack by such a creature, which it describes (unhelpfully) as being somewhere between a house and a mountain in size, with teeth the length of the Direlances wielded by warmachines, but little else of interest, although the acidic miasma that it exudes might well have applications in the field of military science.

The most reliable of my captives, Specimin-3A111, informs me that amoungst his benighted subterrainian kind, there are legends of a beast that haunts certain remote subterrainian lakes -- growing so large, they say, that the water level of each is increased by several miles due to the size of the beast. Alas, I have been so far unsuccessful in persuading any of my patrons of the obvious benefits of capturing such a magnificent specimin, and attempts to persuade the more excitable of my colleages to do so out of intellectual curiosty have, shall we say, proven unsuccessful.

See also: star-shaped symbol Perphyron Deran