Aslan glossary
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- Ahfa: Personal relics and talismans kept to honour the ancestors.
- Ahriy: Pride; a group of related Aslan families.
- Aisai: An Aslan’s dewclaw, a 10-cm razor-sharp blade that folds like a jack-knife into a horny sheath in the base of the palm. From ai sai, ‘blade claw’.
- Aisailaokhe: A duel of honour over beliefs or grievances sodeep that the fight must be to the death.
- Akhuaeuhrekhyeh: The Rite of Passage.
- Akyafteirleao: A threat to Aslan culture; heresy ordegeneration.
- Ao: Immortal spirit, generally used as a metaphor insteadof a statement of belief in such things.
- Aohkho: Priest or sage.
- Aokhaor: Honour, strength of spirit.
- Aokhol: A moment of clarity and perfect balance, where eaia, action and universe are in perfect accord; a steppingstone towards khoafteirleao.
- Aoshi: (1) Kusyu’s inner moon (2) An elusive concept or thought.
- Areiaao: A sprint, a period of time of approximately 16 seconds.
- Awkhea: Landless, lower class Aslan; peasants.
- Eaia: Inner self.-eakh: Suffix meaning ‘world’.
- Eakhau: An Aslan day.
- Eal: Gun.
- Earleatrais: Referee or arbiter in a court case, war or duel.
- Eikhoi: Dusk.
- Eikhoifiruah: Chant of praise for a defeated but worthy foe.
- Ekho: Family.
- Ekhoao: Spiritual family; one’s friends and blood brothers.
- Ekhtoawetyu: Rite of asking permission to enter another’s territory.
- Fahr: (1) Beginning (2) Key.
- Firuah: A song, especially a warrior’s challenge song.
- Firukhte: Ritualised insults or satire designed to provoke a challenge.
- Fiy: Vassal of.
- Fiya’: ‘I am your vassal’.
- Fiyafiyair: The Imperium.
- Ftahea: An Aslan year.
- Fteirle: The Aslan people.
- Hasoi: Landhold (literally ‘place under a claw’).
- Hahea: Landowners, upper class Aslan.
- Helu: Plains or fields.
- Helua: Hunting ground.
- Hisol’i: Solomani.
- Hoaawli: Warrior school or cult.
- Htahyu: Important place; capital or centre. Usually used to describe the seat of a clan or a family homestead.
- Htatei: First son.
- Htoi: Green.
- Huiha: Clan.
- Hyufteirlerye: (1) A great gathering of people (2) A city (3) The market.
- Ihatei: Second son.
- Iyarl: Agent or company.
- Ka’ah: Slow.
- Khailifakht: (1) The outback on Kusyu, the hunting grounds of great lords (2) Wilderness.
- Khaofiy: Ritual submission in a duel.
- Khaulear: One hundred in base 8; equivalent to 64 in base 10.
- Khir: Warrior.
- Khoafteirleao: Spiritual perfection attained by acting in perfect accord with one’s nature.
- Khoiaya: Armour.
- Khtauaao: Aslan time period lasting just under eighteenminutes.
- Khyeiryos: (1) A trickster (2) A legendary creature, known forits shrewd and deceitful nature (3) Humans.
- Khtyei: Holding or possession.
- Ko: (1) Himself (2) Suffix added to the name of a clan tocreate the title of the head of that clan. The clan Hwriayro isruled by an Aslan called Hwriayroko, who is THE Hwriayro.
- Ka’tai: ‘It is fitting’, ritual response to many formalrequests.
- Layeau: Valley.
- Lu’uifakte: Computer information centre or library.
- Rao: Food.
- Rukta: Dishonourable deeds, such as treachery,assassination without first declaring a war of assassins,running from a challenge.*: Private investigator.
- Rukhiywe: Committing rukta; acting in a non-Aslan way.
- Ruktaha: District inhabited by Outcasts.55
- Shi: Swift.
- Shifaowoi: Popular cooking spice.
- Si’aiktae: (1) Gift of hospitality by a landowner after oneenters his domain (2) The meal traditionally given as a gift(3) Being under the protection of a landowner.
- Si’khiraeokhaor: A warrior’s code of honour; what must bedone.
- Siya: Unmarried.
- Siyajkhoara: A female who takes an oath to remain unmarried, who dedicates her life to her clan or anothercause.
- Sihouweililyiuahryi: ‘Your pride calls to you’; a cry for help.
- Siyreakhaotoior: Classic Aslan literature.
- Soistsea: Unknown lands; the frontier.
- Su’ikh: Shield.
- Tahwihteakhau: Barbarians; non-Aslan.
- Tai’ao: Air demon from ancient Aslan mythology;guardians of heaven.
- Tala: Books (sing. Talat). Traditionally, a scroll.
- Taleryu: Aslan personal weapon; a crescent-shaped blade.
- Tao: Aslan glyph.
- Tekhaao: An Aslan period of time similar to an hour; 135.7 standard minutes.
- Tlasoistsea: (1) ‘The bounty of new lands’ (2) Landsawarded to a triumphant warrior (3) Being remembered asa great ancestor, (4) Heaven.
- Tlauftahea: ‘Thirty years’, the time in which the Tlalkhuwas organised.
- Tlalkhu: The Twenty-Nine; the great clans who form themain deliberative council of the Hierate.
- Trokh: The Aslan language.
- Tye: ‘Tiny sun’, star.
- Tyeao: ‘Star-spirits’, the ancestors.
- Uealaao: Aslan second.
- Ukhtai: Hero, honourable warrior.
- Yae: Door or entry.
- Yaeatyeao: ‘The gateway to Heaven’; deeds that will liveforever.
- Yaeyekh: Airlock.
- Ya’uiya: Dishonour so great that the Aslan is stricken from the rolls of his clan; becoming Outcast.
- Ya’uiyekh: Emptiness, void, vacuum.
- Yerlik: Battle, especially a formal contest overseen by an earleatrais.
- Yerlikhelu: Battlefield.
- Yorl: Messenger or Courier.
- Khte: Zero.
- Air: One.
- Hlai: Two.
- Kheh: Three.
- Hryeh: Four.
- Khu: Five.
- Hyro: Six.
- Koih: Seven.
- Tea: Ten; equals 8 base 8.
- Iyrl: Twenty base 8, equals 16 base 10.
- Tlau: Thirty base 8, equals 24 base 10
- Starl: Forty base 8, equals 32 base 10.