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[[1]] D02: KNOW NO LIMIT!

This is teh best, most versatile gaming system evar. EVAR!

It has ninja crocodiles and acid blood vampires. It is very easy to learn and easy to play. You can use D02 in any setting, for any kind of adventure because it is that great. Truly, it KNOW NO LIMIT!

For more information, you should click here: http://www2.hawaii.edu/~rdeese/RPG/D02/D02.htm

D02 Core Rules

The D02 Master: You need at least two players unless you are crazy. One player is the D02 Master. They are in charge of everything. Every other player makes characters.

CharGen: Get a sheet of paper. Write some stuff on it, or draw on it or something. This is your character sheet. Write some stats or numbers or something on it if that will make you feel better. Stuff like, "kill every mutha in the room" and "punch babies in the face"

Resolution Mechanic: The D02 Master will present challenges that require you to randomly determine success or failure. Here is how this is done in the D02 system.

Dig in your pocket. Get some change. Shake up the fistful of change, call a side, and slap it down on the table. If more sides come up what you called, you win. This is a "coin-pool" system.

Setting: Any. It is a trly universal roleplaying system, unless it does not involve killing things and taking their stuff. If you don't want to do that, join an improv troupe or something.

You will get may hours of fun from this system. You can do absolutely anything with it, as it know no limit.