DnD Desert Raiders Campaign You! Unknown Vestiges
Pack lvl 1 DC 20
Manifestation: Amon manifests in a burst of black smoke, howling foul curses at his summoner. He possesses a black wolf’s body with a ram’s head and a serpent for a tai. His mouth is filled with sharp teeth, and fire escapes it when he speaks.
Sign: You grow a ram’s curling horns.
Influence: Amon’s influence makes you surly and irritable. In addition, since Amon despises living deities of fire, sun and law he forces you to resist even beneficial spells cast by those devoted to such powers. You must make a saving throw to resist such spell if one is allowed; failure allows you to gain the benefit.
Granted Ability:
Darkvision: you gain darkvision out to 60 feet.
Fire breath: you can vomit forth a line of fire as a standard action. The line extends 10feet per effective binder level. (Maximum 50ft) and deasl 1d6 points of fire damage per binder level to every creature in its area. A successful Reflex save haves this damage. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.
Ram Attack: you can use the ram’s horns that you gain from Amon’s sign as a natural weapon that deas 1d6 points of damage (plus 1-1/2 your strenght bonus). When you charge a foe with your ram attack, you can deal an extra 1d8 points of damage on a succesful hit. You cannot use this ability if you do not show Amon’s sign.
Pack lvl 1 DC 15
Special requirement: To summon Leraje, you must break an arrow crafted by an elf while calling out Leraje’s name and title. In addition, Leraje hates Amon for some unknown reason and will not answer your call if you are already bound to him.
Manifestation: Leraje appears before her summoner as though she had always been there, but camouflaged so well that she cannot be seen, First her dull eyes open , then her yellowed teeth come into view out of seeming nothingness, revealed in a sly smile. As Leraje moves her body takes shape against the background and her clothes and skin change color to reveal her as an elf archer dress in beautiful decorated green leather armor. Although she was clearly beautiful at some point, the ravages of some toxin or disease have made her hair limp, yellowed her eyes and teeth and made her skin pockmarked and shallow.
Sign: you look sickly and diseased, and your skin becomes sallow and pockmarked.
Influence: while influenced by Leraje you become quite and unassuming. Leraje still feels considerable guilt about the actions that led her to become a vestige, so she requires that you not attack any elf or creature of elven blood, including halfelves and members of the various elf subraces, such as drow.
Granted Abilities: You gain supernatural powers related to Leraje’s skills
In life as well as the ability to fire arrows that literally wound your target’s pride.
Hide bonus: you gain a +4 competence bonus on hide checks.
Low-light vision: you gain low-light vision. If you already have it natural, you gain superior low-light vision and can see three times as far as your light source would normally illuminate.
Precise shot: You gain the benefit of the Precise Shot feat.
Ricochot: As a standard action, you can make a single ranged attack against two adjusted targets. Make a single attack roll and apply that result to the Armor Class of both targets. Any hit you score deals damage to the target normally. Extra damage from abilities such as sneak attack or sudden strike apply to only one target, which you must designate prior to making the attack roll.
Weapon Proficiency: While bound to Leraje, you are proficient with the composite longbow, composite shortbow, longbow and shortbow. If you were already proficient with any of these weapons you instead gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls with them.