Harsh Ministrations - Mistborn Adventure Game/Camon

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Camon, Driven Smoker[edit]


Crew Name:
Cause: Take down the Steel Ministry
Method: Cons


Race: Skaa
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170 lbs

Cam is a nondescript man who easily blends in with a crowd: average height, average weight, average skaa clothing. His most memorable attribute is the constant far-away look of those lost deep in thought. Most people mistake this for a vacuous look and consequently memories of him fade even quicker


Physique 3
Charm 4
Wits 6


Resources 3
Influence 2
Spirit 4


Health 6
Reputation 6
Willpower 10


Drive: Find Out Why His Village was Destroyed
Profession: Scholar of Imperial Cultures
Specialty: Hiding in plain sight
Feature: Deep thinker
Personality: Willful


Power Type Rating Stunts
Copper Allomancy 5 Extend Mental Protection


Staff [prop]
Disguise kit [prop]
Misting vial (3 charges copper) [prop]


My village was massacred by a Steel Inquisitor because of me, or so I think.


To free the Farmost Dominance from the rule of the Lord Ruler.


Camon (Cam for short) was a a scholar in the Farmost Dominance. He studied many subjects but was particularly interested in the cultures of Scadriel, both present and past. The study of the cultures preceding the Lord Ruler's dominion was, of course, banned, but Camon always thought the Lord Ruler's will was nothing more than a suggestion up in the Farmost Dominance. After all, some skaa even owned land up there. So Camon's interests were an open secret among his peers and community.

Then the Steel Inquisitor appeared. He brought a small band of koloss with him and didn't bother questioning anyone. They just started razing the village to the ground. Choking on smoke from the burning copper smelter, Camon managed to escape. It wasn't until later that he found out listening to everyone he knew die and struggling to escape what seemed to be a certain death had snapped him into a Smoker. It was burning the copper flecks he had accidentally ingested from the copper smelter fire that allowed him to escape unnoticed by the eyeless monstrosity and his brutes.

Now, Camon has traveled to Luthadel to find out why the Steel Ministry had ordered his village destroyed. Using his knowledge of the cultures of Scadriel he has managed to avoid any trouble along his long journey. He has carried the guilt for all the death and destruction for a long time, and now he wants to know whether it was his latent Misting powers or his forbidden studies that earned the death of his life in the Farmost Dominance. He has never considered that the Steel Inquisitor could have been there for another purpose altogether.