Heullas Secundus

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Heullas Secundus[edit]

Heullas Secundus can most simply be described as a large hole in the ground with a city built in it. The unnatural looking crater houses the city center, where large spires and skyscrapers rise up from several stories deep towards the planet's blue sky. The outskirts of the city are on ground level, and the connection between them and the city is made by winding tram lines and cargo roads that switch to sky rails and elevated roads once they reach the crater edge. Once in the city center the rails and roads wind up and down, split into several levels to allow easy access to most sections of the city. Coming in from the farms, a cargo truck would be driving on one of the four massively broad cargo roads that cut straight lines right through the suburbs towards the city center.

The Suburbs[edit]

Heullas Secundus is surrounded by a motley patchwork of suburban residential areas. Situated on ground level outside the city, the suburbs is where the middle class of Heullas Secundus reside. It's relatively spacious, with rows of both connected and free standing houses surrounded by persona gardens. Living here is comfortable, but relatively boring. Not much entertainment is to be had, and while parents are out at work, the youth of the suburbs frequently take the trams into the city center in search of some fun.

Gordinar Industrial District, Mephus Industrial district and the Arcturus Space Port[edit]

Past the suburbs, on the north-eastern side of Heullas Secundus lies the Arcturus Space Port. It's a massive site, capable of handling hundreds of cargo shuttles coming and going at once, as well as passenger and cargo planes coming in from all over the planet. In practice, air travel is expensive and cargo vessels only visit once a month, making the Space Port a relatively quiet place most of the time. The north-eastern cargo road runs right next to the Space Port.

Directly adjacent, across the cargo road, is the Gordinar Industrial district, which houses the city's main production capability as well as the largest concentration of Heullas Secundus's Mechanicus presence. A vast, busy collection of noise and smokestacks, only few people outside of the Mechanicus have ever been to the center of the district, and it is said that only the Mechanicus know how deep underground the district's factories actually go...

Flowing out from Gordinar is the Mephus Industrial district. Being Gordinar's smaller brother, Mephus is a wide spaced collection of small factories and personal businesses. It is the private industrial playground of small business owners, hopeful starters and bored nobles, and unfortunately, small time criminals. Local police presence is quite strong out of necessity, especially near the massive warehouses that dominate the western edge of the district.

The Print District, The Governmental Archives , Aurelius Spires and Maracorum's[edit]

The southwestern portion of Heullas Secundus's city center is known to the locals as the Print district. A massive collection of commercial offices, it also houses the core of Heullas Secundus's media who's presence has come to dominate the perception of the area. Although any actual pamphlet printing is done in the Mephus industrial sector, the Print district houses all the vox and vid studios of the city.

The northwerstern portion of the city is known as Aurelius Spires. Gleaming towers rise to greet the sky and the walkways are clean and well kept. This is because Aurelius Spires houses the city's noble families. Aside from massive penthouses and skygardens, Aurelius Spires also house the nobility's personal offices and gather centers. Noble class entertainment and theater are situated at the lowest level and provide sights and experiences the middle and lower classes of the city can only dream of.

The northeastern portion of the city is known as the Governmental Archives. Although the actual archives building is indeed a massive arcane cathedral of data, the district is far greater than that and actually houses all of the continent's governmental buildings, including imperial courts, local pdf and police headquarters and city librariums. The Governmental Archives is the place to be when anything needs to get done, and traffic into the district is atrocious on even the quietest of days.

The southeastern portion of the city, once know as the lower class residential area is know to the locals are Maracorum's, a name borrowed from the founder of the first legal gambling den, Emanuel Maracorum. The founding of this gambling hall marked a turning point in city legislation, which loosened its grip on all forms of entertainment. Soon, entertainment houses of all kinds sprang up all over the district, from the classy at ground level to the seedy at the bottom of the city. Nowadays, Maracorum's not only provides massive amounts of cheap housing to the city's laborers, it also houses the city's cheaper entertainment and nightlife.

Legatus Boulevard, The Cathedral of Saint Jocates and the Governors Palace[edit]

The very center of the city is dominated by a massive collection of elevated roads, sky trams and broad walkways, flanked by rows and rows of decorated high quality shops and restaurants, known collectively as Legatus Boulevard. This prestigious stretch is where foreign tourists and dignitaries are led to sample a taste of Bilani culture. Standing on the south end, one can see the full glory of the Governors Palace where it dominates the north end of the Boulevard, its tall center rise looking out over the city.

Halfway along the boulevard, on the west side of the streets lies the massive form of the Cathedral of Saint Jocastus. This baroque place of worship is the ecclesiarchy's main headquarters in the city, though they are well represented in the various district through a vast collection of minor chapels. Across this structure, on the east side of the boulevard, lies its sinister looking counterpoint; the dark, fortress-like hold of the Adeptus Arbiters. A grim reminder of Imperial might.

Guard Regimental Headquarters and the Local PDF[edit]

On the western outskirts of the city, just past the suburbs, lie the barracks and administrative buildings of the local PDF. Currently, a portion of those barracks and a headquarters building has been co-opted by the Imperial Guard. The 888th Malvonian regiment have been stationed here for the past decade, tasked with improving the training and quality of the local PDF. Besides the barracks, the military also own a large portion of the countryside where they conduct drills, live fire practice and small scale war games. Access to this area is restricted to military personnel, and civilians attempting to enter run the risk of catching a couple of stray bullets, at best.