Jason Cortez

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Level 3

HP : 19

AC : 2

Effort : 4/4

Fray Dice : 1d8

Attack Bonus : +3

Influence : 4

Dominion (Spend/Received): 4/4

Weapon : Misfortune, +6, 1d10+3, magic, 100 ft range

Weapon : Magnetic Pistol, +4, 1d6+1, 40 yards range

Weapon : Magnetic Rifle, +4, 1d8+1, 500 yards range

Stats :

STR 15 (+1, check 6)

DEX 15 (+1, check 6)

CON 14 (+1, check 7)

INT 18 (+3, check 3)

WIS 14 (+1, check 7)

CHA 16 (+2, check 5)

Saves :

Hardiness 12

Evasion 10

Spirit 11

Words :

Engineering, Luck, Passion, Sorcery


- Son of a Show Biz Power Couple

Child of wealthy and famous media superstars

- A PhD in Theotechnology

Attended the renowned Whiteshore Institute of Theotechnology, where he learned enough to become an Archmage Theotechnician.

- Affiliated with RITA

Member in good standing of The Rambaldi Institute for Theotechnological Archaeology (RITA)

- Created An Artifact: Etheric Screwdriver
- Learned the Lesser Strife of the Falling Sky from Special Resources Department agent



(Know instantly if someone is your worshiper or not. Reject worshiper / receive devotion from other God’s worshiper)

Gift :

- Receive the Incense of Faith (Constant)

Receiving worship from mortal believers and can begin forming their own cult.

- Sanctify Shrine (Action)

Worshipers can now sanctify temples and shrines to you. When properly consecrated, can choose to perceive anything going on within their precincts, (must intentionally choose to watch). Can target a gift or miracle at any person within the sacred grounds (usual effort cost). Free the first time to do this in a day, but each successive wonder requires commiting Effort for the day. Properly sanctifying a shrine requires rites and components costing Wealth equal to the Godbound's level, with increases in their level requiring additional expenditures. If the shrine is desecrated, it must be reconsecrated at the full cost.

- Smite the Apostate (Action)

Can instantly kill an offending worshiper or afflict them with some debilitating suffering appropriate to their Words. This torment lasts as long as the Godbound desires. If another god accepts the worshiper, however, the curse is lifted.


(Can instantly produce any device portable by a normal person as an On Turn action.)

Gift :

- Brilliant Invention

Commit Effort for the day. The Godbound creates a technological device only they can use which can perfectly mimic a lesser gift of any other Word except Sorcery. They may use this gift at its usual price in Effort, if any, and the device will remain useable until the next time they use this gift. Brilliant Invention is only useable once per day.

- Lasting Artifice

Commit Effort for the scene. The Godbound can conjure any ordinary device they can lift with one arm. By Committing Effort for the day instead, it can be as large as a truck or shuttle. This device lasts indefinitely and is fully powered every time the Godbound touches it.

- Scientific Method

The Godbound's labors are capable of building ordinary tech or structures smaller than a house within a scene, smaller than a factory within a day, and smaller than a town during downtime between sessions, so long as it's more than a day. Materials are still needed to build it.


(May roll 1d20 once a day. At any time during that day, they may replace their own or someone else’s 1d20 roll with the one in reserve. They can only replace a roll once per day.)

Gift :

- Unmarred Beneficence

The hero has a natural AC of 3, luckily avoiding perils. If a misfortune lands randomly on a member of their group, they're never the victim of it. The base AC isn't improved by armor or shields.

- The World Against You

Commit Effort. The hero becomes able to use luck as a weapon with a range of 100 feet, inflicting suden and wildly-improbable calamities on a foe with normal attack rolls. When used to attack, the damage is 1d10 and treated as a magic weapon. The source of this incredible bad luck is not perceptible to normal onlookers or non-supernatural beings.


(Raised Charisma to 16)

Gift :

- Banner of Passion

Commit Effort. All NPCs who are lesser foes within earshot or sight are suffused with a powerful emotion of your choice, directed at the object of your choosing. Worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw each round to throw it off. The emotion will make them act to the limits of their character and will last at least a day after the effort is reclaimed.


(Negate any low level magic effect or destroy any low magic construct or summons)(Effort for the scene, Instant)

Gift :

- Adept of the Gate

Theurgy Invocations[edit]

Gate :[edit]

- Beacon of Celestial Purity

The theurge shines with a brilliantly clarifying radiance that gently illuminates everything within a hundred feet, purifying and cleansing everything it touches. Objects are rendered clean and poisons and disease sources are neutralized, though it does not cure people nor banaish magic. Any lies or intentional misdirections spoken within the light become visible as a plume of smoking filth rising from the speaker's mouth. The theurge takes 1d6 damage die each time a lie is spoken, which can not be avoided or negated. The light lasts as long as the caster desires and remains conscious. Those with the Word of Deception can speak lies without being discovered by this spell.

- The Bright God's Canticle

So long as the caster sings, those around them are unable to acknowledge their presence, or the presence of allies who remain close to the theurge. Observers are aware of the sorcerer but can do nothing to act on their awareness till the invocation ends. The effect is broken if the mage ceases to sing, or if they or their allies attack or use hostile effects. Lesser foes are automatically affected. For worthy foes, the one with the best saving throw in the group may roll a Spirit save to resist; if successful no worthy foe is affected, while if it fails, all are subject to the canticle.

- Sunder The Lesser Spell

Dispels one single theurgy invocation of the Gate along with any number of low magic enchantments within thirty feet of the chosen target point. Theurge suffers a 1d10 damage die each time this spell ends an invocation, which can not be avoided or negated.

- Trumpet of Far Utterance

Video call to people you have arcane connection on, close friends, & pantheon members. Can also pass 10 lbs item but 25% chance fail. If fail, see the item location for a few sec. Last for 1 hour / if call ended. Worthy foe can use spirit save to resist contact. If resisted, arcane connection used breaks (if using any).

Lesser Strife[edit]

- Lesser Strife of the Falling Sky

Unarmed attacks do 1d8 electrical damage and have a 50 foot range. Immune to falling damage. may use their movement action to leap fifteen feet vertically and thirty feet horizontally. When hitting someone below them, roll their hit roll twice and take the better roll. Can Auto-hit 1 target below for 1d10 damage if they're >= 30ft below

Artifact: Etheric Screwdriver[edit]

- 2 Effort

Gift :

- Brilliant Invention

Commit Effort for the day. The Godbound creates a technological device only they can use which can perfectly mimic a lesser gift of any other Word except Sorcery. They may use this gift at its usual price in Effort, if any, and the device will remain useable until the next time they use this gift. Brilliant Invention is only useable once per day.

- The Excellent Pause

When you cast a theurgy invocation or low magic spell, you may Commit Effort just before it is triggered. The spell is then suspended and may be released as an action at any time thereafter, with the Committed Effort returning at the end of that scene. You may suspend more than one spell if you're willing to Commit Effort to each, but releasing a spell requires your action for the turn.


- Power 3 - Provides 3 Dominion a month

- Feature - Technologically and Theotechnically Savvy

Jason has a large devoted fanbase in the Bright Republic that has several shrines to him, including one online that anyone is considered "within its sacred grounds" if they have it currently up on their web browser.

Notable Gear[edit]

- Helicopter with a mounted gun (Created with Lasting Artifice)[1]

- Theotechnical Iconodule (Godbound, page 163)

Theotechnical Iconodule Stats :[edit]

AC 3

Hit Dice

Movement 40' run

Save 11+

Attack +8 x 2 attaccks

Damage 1d8 bolts or blades

Morale 12

Effort 3


Jason Cortez had the good fortune not only to be born in the Bright Republic but to a life of wealth and privilege. The son of media superstars Michael Cortez and Vanessa Warren, he grew up in Watcher's Point enjoying a life of luxury while getting the best education money can buy. What money couldn't buy though, was that certain star quality. Oh, he looked pleasant enough as you'd expect someone whose parents won the genetic lottery would. But he just didn't inherit the gift to impress people and win over audiences his mom and dad had. Unlike some children of celebrities, Jason accepted he wasn't cut out to follow in his parent's footsteps ar an early age.

On the other hand, what Jason lacked in personal magnetism he made for in intellect. He was a bright kid who found it quite easy to quickly learn everything he wanted about whatever subject caught his interest. And the subject that caught and kept his interest was the workings and secrets of the theotechnology which made their lifestyle and Bright Republic society in general possible. Thanks to his genius he was admitted to the renowned Whiteshore Institute of Theotechnology and managed to earn his doctorate in record time.

One thing Jason did inherit from his parents was their desire to use their talents and resources to make their nation and the world a better place. Whereas his parents did so by donating money and using their fame to promote causes, he did so by going to work for the Rambaldi Institute for Theotechnological Archaeology. RITA is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the discovery and study of Pre-Shattering theotechnological artifacts in order to understand how they work and distribute applications of what they learn from them for the public benefit. Because all designs and creations derived from artifacts are ancient products instead of new inventions, they are not considered legally eligible for patent. Which means the only organizations that engage in theotechnological artifact research are those not motivated by profit.

Because of their focus on studying artifacts RITA sends members all over Arcem to participate in archaeological digs and expeditions in partnership with local organizations when they exist. RITA members offer the benefit of their theotechnological expertise in return for the opportunity to study and create schematics of any artifacts discovered. It was one such joint venture which brought Jason to the dig site in the Oasis States, where a relic was uncovered that would change his life forever. He, along with others also present, went from ordinary mortals to beings touched by divine power.

Since that time Jason has gone on to have further adventures and accomplish impressive deeds all over Acem. Some alone, some alongside one or more of the acquaintances he made when he gained his godlike power. He's helped break up slaver operations in the Oasis States, destroy a dark lord wannabe who wanted to unite all the monsters lurking in the Ratkine Confederacy into one army and avert a ruinous civil war from breaking out in Vissio. And then there was his crowning achievement of restoring the aging etheric energy nodes of his homeland to pristine condition and using the gratitude and popularity gained from that accomplishment, along his and his parent's connections, to help organize a new Reform Party that went on to win the Presidency and a majority of seats on the Grand Council.

Now he has traveled to Ancalia. Not just to help the desperate people of the benighted land, though that's a worthy goal in itself. Nor did he come just to acquire any Pre-Shattering theotechnological artifacts that can be found amongst the wreckage, though he wouldn't turn down opportunities to do so as long as it didn't endanger the Ancalians or hinder attempts to assist them But his ultimate purpose for coming is to hopefully discover the cause behind the calamities which befell the nation, and if possible, undo it. If nothing else, finding out how the apocalypse occurred could help to ensure such an event doesn't occur again elsewhere.