Kali DeVaye
Kali DeVaye[edit]
(aka 'Witch', 'Psyker', 'Warp-Slave', 'Oy You' and a whole host of others)
- Career: Imperial Psyker
- Career Rank: 1
- Homeworld: Bilani Hive
- Divination: "The pain of the bullet is ecstacy compared to damnation" (T+1)
- Height: Average
- Weight: Unhealthily thin
- Eyes: Blue
- Hair: White
- Skin: Pale
- Age: 20ish
- Sanctioning: Tongue-bound
A young once-pretty woman in her early twenties, but the ravages of the psyker-life are already taking their tall. She seems pale, bent and haggard, her eyes sunken and dark and her hair turned white. She's normally dressed in ragged robes, and has a selection of implant socket plugs across her scalp and body.
- Weapon Skill: 33
- Ballistic Skill: 29
- Strength: 31
- Toughness: 31
- Agility: 27
- Intelligence: 35
- Perception: 32
- Willpower: 39
- Fellowship: 38
- Wounds: 10/10
- Fate Points: 2
- Insanity Points: 0
- Corruption Points: 0
- Awareness
- Common Lore (Imperium)
- Forbidden Lore (Warp)
- Invocation
- Literacy
- Psyniscience
- Speak Language (Low Gothic)
- Trade (Merchant)
- Melee (Primitive)
- Pistol (Las)
- Psy Rating 1
- Accustomed to Crowds
- Caves of Steel
- Hivebound
- Wary
Psychic Powers[edit]
- Healer
- Knack
- Sense Presence
- Mercy Blade
- Psy focus (staff)
- Tattered Robes
- Charm
- Tarot Cards
- Battered copy of 'Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer'
- Necklace bearing family crest
- Total: 400
- Spent: 400
Rank 1[edit]
- Awareness (100)
- Common Lore (Imperium) (100)
- Forbidden Lore (Warp) (100)
- Minor Psychic Power (100)
Native to Bilani and to this city in particular, Kali comes from a noble family. She grew up in wealth and extravagance, and was looking forward to a glorious career in politics. That all went wrong when as a teenager she started developing psychic ability. Her family were absolutely mortified and did everything they could to insure this embarrasement never became public. Kali was quietly packed off to the Black Ships and was never spoken of again.
The Black Ships were as horrible as expected. Several years later, Kali was dumped back on her homeworld, assigned by order to the local Imperial Guard to assist them and the PDF in monitoring warp activity. The work is hideously dull, and her life isn't improved by the fact that everyone treats her as some kind of object, a tool rather than a person. To make her life even worse, she's been put under the ever-watchful gaze of Shira, a brutish guardswoman from some backwards planet who is just waiting for Kali to slip up so a bullet could be put in her brain once and for all.
Resigned to her life, Kali conducts her duties with care. But her pride and will have always been strong. Whilst she accepts the need for Shira to watch her, she generally does everything she can to make the guardswoman's task difficult and has a somewhat snarky tongue about her. Of course, she can only push so far. The last thing Kali wants is to actually get shot.