La Zafira y El Dragon Verde The Fight

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The Fight

One of the referees, receiving the nod from the managers in both corners, walks into the center of the ring with a microphone in his hand.

"Senors, Senoras, and Senoritas, a match the likes of which you have never seen is about to take place. In this corner," the Ref points to the corner housing Los Hermanos del Pecado," the brother-sister team of El Lagarto and La Rata."

The crowd erupts into boos and hisses.

"Los Hermanos del Pecado will be fighting for their charity," the ref looks down, incredulously, at a piece of paper he's holding, " Herman's Casa de Mujeres?" The hisses and boos continue.

"And their opponents, fighting for the glory of Mexico and La Casa de Ninos Caprichoso Pobre, El Dragon Verde and La Zafira Misteriosa!!"

The crowd's energetic cheering fills the arena for nearly a minute!

"A reminder: This is a charity match and, as such, this is not an official belt match. There are no weapons and no submission holds. Also, no martinetes are allowed. This is a three caida match with the stipulation that each partner must be taken down at least once. Will our teams take their places?"

With that, the Ref steps to the side of the squared-circle, an overhead bell rings, and La Rata jumps the turnbuckle and takes a fighting stance.

La Zafira indicates to her partner that she will go first, and calmly climbs the ropes to enter the ring and face off against La Rata. To be sure, El Dragon could enter the ring first, and would no doubt end up fighting La Rata later in the match, but it never looks good to have a gallant male tecnico start off against a woman half his size.

While not flashy, La Zafira is full of poise and confidence that she can take whatever the petite rudo (ruda?) can dish out.

Pausing to let the battle begin, (OOC: Not showing his DEX) El Dragon Verde slowly climbs the ropes and urges the crowd on. "MEX-EE-CO! ZA-FEER-AH" Pointing to one group and then another he urges them to compete with everyone else in the crowd. The occasional bicep curl and torso flex gets thrown in when some of the ladies seem a bit less enthused or the men too bored.

As soon as the bell rings, La Rata rushes forward and grabs at La Zafira's arm.

"You're dead, perra!" La Rata hisses in La Zafira's ear. The look of smug satisfaction is upbruptly replaced by the look of shock as La Zafira grips the Rat's shoulder with her opposite hand and flings herself backwards towards the mat. In a fraction of a second, the tide has turned and La Rata is laying sprawled out on the mat, on her back.

Inside the ring, the Ref turns aways from the wrestling to run to the turnbuckles. He begins to shout, "put that down! put that down!"

El Dragon notices that El Lagarto, in a rage, has run toward the adjacent crowd (who are still chanting "ZA-FEER-AAA") with a chair in his hands. As he waves the folded chair wildly toward the fans in the front row, the crowd begin to jeer. Several brave audience members are taunting El Lagarto and shouting in his face.

La Rata stumbles to her feet, glancing around furiously. Taking a quick look over her shoulder, she raises her elbow before fallling backwards onto La Zafira - her boney elbow making a glancing blow to La Zafira's ribcage. As La Rata hits the mat, she rolls over onto her stomach.

Meanwhile, at the side of the ring, El Lagarto tosses a folding chair into the crowd while the Ref shouts, "one more of those, Senor, and you'll be penalized a caida!"

With La Rata's attack having no effect, La Zafira springs to her feet and tries an attack of her own, grabbing La Rata's right leg in her powerful arms. But before La Zafira can take advantage of the situation, the slippery Rata manages to kick herself loose from her grip. Disappointing, but La Zafira remains calm and collected, far too patient to let small setbacks get to her, and confident that she will eventually prevail.

While La Zafira glances around the ring, calmly, her eyes catch a glimpse of the front row of the audience. There, seated in the premiere seats, sits her useless boyfriend, Diego.

"Of course," thinks Zafira, "Diego loves Lucha!" But then the words of her manager, Milo, ring in her head: Don't get distracted!

La Rata springs to her feet and, realizing that both Refs are now in a shouting match with El Lagarto, takes the opportunity to take a closed-fist swing at the Sapphire.

CRACK! La Rata's fist connects with La Zafira's chin and whips La Zafira's head back. Unshaken, the Sapphire merely smiles and prepares her counter attack.

The Refs turn back toward the match in response to the sudden, low "oooohhhhh" from the audience.

El Lagarto, turns back to the audience and snatches a placard on a wooden stick from someone in the first row. (incidentally, the placard reads, "EL DRAGON FOR PRESIDENTE!!")

Mexico's Glorious Sapphire lets loose with a brutal slap, but the quick and slippery La Rata ducks in time for La Zafira's blow to whiff.

One of the Refs has turned toward the audience and is wagging his finger at Lagarto, who has climbed the turnbuckle and is waving, menacingly, a cardboard placard attached to a wooden post. The crowd is torn between booing the Rudos' outrageous behavior and cheering on their heroes.

Leaping a full move to the front row where El Lagarto attacked the audience, El Dragon Verde stands and faces the crowd. Lifting his arms up he flexes his massive biceps, glistening with sweat and sending the ladies into a swoon. Arms flexed and chest pumped, he turns his hands to point at the audience.

"You! You are sons of Mex-EE-co! Mex-EE-co!" Looking at the ones Lagarto has injured or assaulted he nods his head in recognition. "You! Mex-EE-co! You!"

La Rata grasps the Sapphire and flings her, face first, into the turnbuckle - knowing full well that El Lagarto is standing at the turnbuckle with a sign he's stolen from the audience.

Despite the warnings being yelled by the Ref, The Horned Lizard swings widely with the "El Dragon for Presidente" sign. La Zafira easily ducks the blow and spins in place to face her opponent in the ring. No sooner has La Zafira spun on her heels then La Rata launches herself into the air and locks her feet on both sides of La Zafira's masked face, pulling them both to the mat.

Both Refs have rushed to the turnbuckle to castigate El Lagarto for his attempt to break the rules. Their back to the match, La Rata tightens her leglock on La Zafira's neck.

"Cobarde!" El Dragon Verde yells to the crowd as he points to the overly large hulk double-teaming the beautiful and slim Tecnico. "Cobarde!"

Like the winged avenger he is named after, El Dragon Verde flys up and uses his own body to take El Lagarto off the turnbuckle and onto the hard floor at the feet of the crowd. Men and women of Mexico shout in high fervor after such an aerial display brings the battle of good and evil literally to their feet! No one messes with the Lovely Zafira outside of the rules of Lucha Libre!

  • thunk* the wrestlers fall heavily. The large Lagarto cushions the fall for El Dragon Verde but even in the three meter impact is not enough to knock any sense into the brutish Rudo.

"Cobarde!" They yell, mocking the prone Lagarto.