Lineage:Heaven and Hell

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Angels and Demons[edit]

Angels and Demons lurk on Earth, though not in great numbers. Angels rarely put in an appearance and Demons usually like to hide away in pocket dimensions with a human to torture. The Houses generally try to stay away from them. The Rebellion hunts them. It is difficult to be sure if there are powers other than Heaven and Hell. There are many planes of reality with strange inhabitants, but who is to say those inhabitants aren’t Demons?

Angels and Demons can be difficult to tell apart. Both of them are incomprehensible alien entities with motivations that make no sense from a human perspective and both appear in a bewildering variety of surreal forms that seem to have little in common. Demons are famous for being tormentors of humanity. Angels have never been known to offer help or protection to humans and have often delivered humans into Demon hands. Demons often create hells, extra-dimensional spaces physically connected to our world in which they torture human captives. Known differences include:

Angels never speak. Demons might speak, but usually lie, and never reveal fundamental truths about reality.

Angels may smite you, but they won’t stay around to torture you. They may take you to Demons, however. Demons may be willing to stay around and torture you, perhaps for eternity.

Some magic is only effective against holy creatures and some only against unholy creatures.

Angels never possess, while Demons may possess people, animals or things. Both Angels and Demons may shapeshift.


Hells are pockets of alternative reality in which Demons torture the Damned. The nature and even the physical rules of rules of such hells is often surreal. The amount of control Demons seem to have over these realities seems to vary greatly from case to case and the Demonic tennants of a hell might be foot-soldiers or little gods.

The Damned[edit]

It is believed by mages of the Orders and Houses alike that the damned have been driven irrevocably insane by their torments, that they will always be tainted by Hell and that they will always be suffering. Most of the damned are grateful to be given death if they are aware enough of their surroundings to recognize it. Some beg to live, but harrowers kill them too. Damned who do escape alive have a habit of winding up back in their hell, often taking other people with them.