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The Nature of Magic[edit]

Magic can be achieved by the simple performance of ritual, even if you don't understand the ritual - magic words are magic words whether you know what they mean or not. However, a lot of magical traditions weave very specific cultural trappings into their rituals and most of them have extensive bodies of magical theory. The flavor of a spell will depend on the origin of the spell. If a spell was invented by a technological mage, it is liable to involve doing some mathematical calculations out loud and sketching a diagram in the air. If it was learned it from a Hermetic source, it would involve use of Hermetic names and symbols. Casters will personalize their spells over time. For instance, if a technological mage learned a spell from a Hermetic source but have been using it for a long time, some of the Hermetic trappings might have been streamlined or replaced.

Different magical traditions produce magical effects in different ways, flavoring their magic with their own cultural, theoretical and personal character. A mage can still cast spells from GURPS Magic without the use of such aids. However, to get a bonus for taking extra time to cast a spell (GURPS Campaigns p. 346) the mage should be spending the time doing things that are appropriate to their magical style. In addition to any bonus for spending extra time, the mage will receive a bonus for using equipment appropriate to their magical tradition. For instance, improvised magical tools would be worth +1 to skill, while a bag full of magical equipment would be worth +2 and an entire roomful, such as a dedicated magical temple or research laboratory, would be worth +4. This rule replaces the equipment rule given in GURPS Campaigns p. 345. Other bonuses may apply if the spell is being cast under unusual conditions that might reasonably seem beneficial given the mage’s magical beliefs and the GM should decide on a case by case basis, assigning bonuses depending on how unusual or difficult to achieve the conditions are and how appropriate they seem. For instance, if there is a special time that is particularly appropriate for a given spell cast under a given tradition then the G.M. might allow a bonus of +2 if that time comes once a day, +4 if it comes once a month, or +8 if it comes once a year. Mages of different traditions can cooperate to cast spells ceremonially (GURPS Magic, p.12). However, a mage may only contribute energy into the spell if their magical style is woven into the ceremony.

The Limits of Magic[edit]

Knowledge spells and any spell or advantage that reads minds or detects emotional states will fail when the target is a mage. The future is not predictable when mages are concerned; you can only predict what will happen if no mage gets involved. This limitation also applies to most magical creatures, including humans who are not mages but do have supernatural gifts. There is great disagreement as to why this is and many believe that this limitation can be overcome if only the right spells can be developed.