MYK Garoppa

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Geroppa the Carouser, Master

Position: Vizier

Skill: Domestic Politics (Spend Hope to add Geroppa's attributes to a Kingdom skill check)

Goal: Increase the number of known regions to at least 15

Likes: Old things. Geroppa loves antiques and relics of other lands.

Likes: Imagination. Having spent much of his childhood bedridden, Geroppa loves stories and tales and fantasy.

Dislikes: Open spaces. Having spent much of his childhood indoors, he is unused to large open spaces.

Dislikes: Ceremonies. Geroppa hates overly formal ceremonies, and prefers informal affairs.

4 Wits

4 Charisma

2 Quest

1 Warfare

Geroppa grew up on stories and tales from far off lands in the inn his father ran. He was jokingly named "the Carouser" by the patrons because even as a child, he would stay up late with the roudier patrons. He inherited his father's inn (The Deepest Well, known for tall drinks and an extremely deep well that predates the building), and the new Queen chose him as a Vizier because one of her few memories was at staying at the inn and enjoying it. (If that's okay with our Queen's player; I'm assuming she didn't reveal this as the reason, even to him, and he's confused by the whole thing).

Vizier Equipment: Dagger, Resident Library, Handy Phone

Innkeeper Equipment: Drink, Full Course

Bonus Equiprment: 2d6 x 4 = 11, 7, 8, 2 Costume, Lunch, Potion, Firearm.'

HP: 9

Defense: 9

Capacity: 4

Followers: 21