Max Katzenjammer

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  • Name:Max Katzenjammer
  • Race:Human
  • Carrer: Rogue
  • Height: lanky
  • Weight: about average
  • Hair Colour: dirty blond
  • Eye Colour: green
  • Dis. Mark:
  • Siblings: 3 - a younger brother and sister, and an older brother who left town some years before
  • Starsign: The Greased Goat
  • Age: 20
  • Birthplace: Witgewalden


"Sons of the soil are born to toil," goes the old adage, but Max Katzenjammer never took this simple homespun truth to heart. He has studiously avoided hard work in all its forms from the cradle onwards. Other Witgewaldeners joke that he only consented to leave the womb after repeated threats from the midwife. He passes his time in the village doing occasional odd jobs (especially those which don't require much effort), flirting with farmers' daughters who really ought to know better, and wasting time at cards in the local tavern with like-minded and impressionable village lads. That said, he does serve a purpose. When a merchant or another outsider comes to town (admittedly rarely), Max is summoned (and sometimes dragged) to put them at their ease, find out their business, and fleece them for all they're worth. Likewise, farmers and herdsmen taking their goods to market make it a point to bring the wastrel along to do the haggling.

While Max's silver tongue often provides him with a living and gets him out of trouble, it utterly fails him around Stella Elsse. The girl can see right through his wiles and his fancy talk, and he finds himself reduced to total honesty around her. It is perhaps for this reason that he is madly in love with her.

Not that she would ever notice. Lately, she's had her eyes on Wolfgang the Blacksmith's boy, who seems to spurn her (the ungrateful clod!) and Dieter Haldstadt, the rival he thought was gone for good, is back in town, with his book learning and sophisticated city ways.


Stat Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Willpower Fellowship Move Magic Attacks Wounds Insanity Points Fate Points Fortune Points
Base 34 34 30 34 31 37 31 34 4 0 1 11 0 3 3
Talent +0 +0 +0 +5 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Advance +5 +5 +0 +0 +10 +5 +5 +10 +0 +0 +0 +2 +0 +0 +0
Taken +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +5 +0 +10 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +0 +0
Current 34 34 30 39 31 42 31 44 4 0 1 12 1 3 3


Total XP: 350 Spent XP: 300


  • Flee! (+1 bonus to Movement for 1d10 rounds when running away from danger)
  • Luck (Gain an extra Fortune Point each day)
  • Public Speaking (can affect 10x more people when using the Charm skill)
  • Resistance to Magic (+10 to WP tests to resist magic)
  • Very Resilient (Start w/ a permanent +5% bonus to Toughness)


  • Blather
  • Charm
  • Common Knowledge (the Empire)
  • Evaluate
  • Gamble
  • Gossip
  • Haggle
  • Perception
  • Performer (Storyteller)
  • Search
  • Speak Language (Reikspiel) + 10%


Deck of Cards, Backpack, Blanket, Common Clothing, Dagger, Hand Weapon (cudgel), Purse, Tattered cloak, Wooden cutlery set, Wooden tankard,


Gc 15