Growing up on the streets of the wizards port of purplehaven Jack Morris found a good living at trading in books on demand. With his quick tong and even quicker fingers he was able to get his hands on any book his costumers wanted. He even read most of them himself. Experementing with his quick fingers he soon found that even spells inside a wizards head weren't untakeble. However when a wizard wakes up in the middle of the night and finds you robbing him, no amount of explenations or bluffs will help.
Jack wasn’t totally surprised that he suddenly woke up in a palm tree on a unknown uninhabited island. luckely he was quickly picked up by an ship and was able to work a few years as kitchen boy and deck scrubber. When they found most of their loot hidden in his cabin however, he found out that pirates have just as much sense of humor as wizards. After being unconscious for a while he find himself again in an unknown place.
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