Missy Coltrane

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Cunning, Manipulative, Ruthless, Determined, Seductive

Melissa Coltrane is New York born and bred. Her family was one of money and wealth and she had a spoilt and decadent childhood. She grew up faster than her years and, by the age of 14, had turned into a sophisticated debutante, comfortable in the parties and occasions of the 30s. She was embraced at the age of 17 when a Kindred suitor of hers got carried away in a moment of passion.

Missy’s life was turned upside down. The wealth and freedom she was used to disappeared overnight and she had to scrounge a living off the street. She was a clever resourceful creature though and used her stunning looks to good advantage both for short term gain (seducing men and overpowering them with her surprising strength) and long term comfort (extorting and embezzling money from a succession of rich toy boys). It took her many years and hard work but she soon returned to her position as the queen of the party scene.

She invested her money well in the night-life of New York and now it works for her. She is one of Karel Reznik’s official Harpies as well as being a Master of Elysium (one of her bars, the Ju-Ju is registered). She has little official power in the court but is very influential, information being her main commodity. She has a finger in any number of pies and still uses her looks and feminine wiles to influence and uncover the secret world of mortals. There are many information-mongers in New York, each with their own speciality, but there are worse places to start than Missy Coltrane, chances are that if she doesn’t know, she can find out.

The upshot of this is that, as well as her material wealth, a great many Kindred in the city owe Missy favours and this is her main power. She is seen in many parts as the natural successor to Constance O’Day due to their similar approaches and power spheres however the two hate each other fiercely. Their methods are complete polar opposites. O’Day sees Missy as an upstart slut and harlot, Missy sees O’Day as a prissy, frigid bitch. No love is lost between the pair.

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