RS trav char gen

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Homeworld: pick one from within the Trojan Reach sector [ maps with UPP's available here ] or roll one up and I'll place it somewhere useful.

Stats: Take 9,8,7,7,6,5 as attribute rolls. Roll 1d6 and add the result to your attributes, divided up as you see fit. Sort them into any order you desire. Or Roll stats up on invisible castle, throw away anything with 42 or less total points.

Careers As normal, except roll twice each term for a skill, rather than once. Please record the happenings of each term - advances, skills earned, events.

Mustering out As normal. Things like weapon or armour might get a little more significant in a space opera game [especially in careers that dont get ship share/ship options]. Tailored integrated smart weapons systems, battledress, etc.

Something new they added in is a skill package for the group to pick over. They suggest each PC picks a skill [at lvl1] until everyone has one, then divvy the rest up. I'm going to go with that except make it two skills each [allowing overlap in peoples choices from the package] at lvl-1 and any skill in the package you dont have after that at lvl-0.

The choice of skill package is ultimately the players, but I'd recommend the starship package at the moment - though a case could be made for mercenary or diplomat.

Connections is the tricky bit - until everyone has rolled characters and worked out terms, it's hard to make connections between PC's that make sense chronologically. For now, assume you will gain one free skill per term from meeting another PC during an event [theirs or yours]. It would be nice if the skill fitted the event, but not essential. Lets hold off on these skills until a few characters have been created [nothing wrong with sketching them in, of course...]

After that, its equipment and assignment.