Salt Coast: Feywild Alliance

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Three unique families of elves dwell in the great forest of the Hartshorn and make up the Feywild Alliance. High elves make their home in the tops of great trees fashioned in the elven manner into living cities. Wood elves prefer to make their home in the wider reaches scattered throughout the Hartshorn. And *shadow elves make their home in the deep and gloomwrought places of the forest.

Note: The Underdark does not exist in this setting. Shadow Elves use the racial features for the Drow subrace, PHB p24. Players who wish may remove the Sunlight Sensitivity drawback by reducing their Darkvision to 60'.

The Feywild Alliance binds the fae to the elven people and the elven people to the fae. High elves identify with the Seelie of the Summer Court, shadow elves with the Unseelie of the Winter Court, and wood elves with the Slaugh of the Wild Hunt.

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The entirety of the great forest west of the Clanclave Mountains is elven land and falls under the auspice of the feywild alliance.

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Dwarven Trade is the common tongue of the gameworld, but while it is understood, it is little used within the feywild alliance. Elven or Sylvan are the preferred modes of communication.

Note: Sylvan is not a free racial language for elf PCs.

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Elves govern themselves by a method known as triad, wherein three elven elders will hear any claim or dispute and adjudicate by majority consensus. Elves will not assemble triad on behalf of peoples of other races in their lands unless an elf brings a case for or against such.

Elves will not judge a being of the fae and will return such a one to their specific court to be judged by the sidhe of that court should legal claim arise.

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Elves worship the twin goddesses Maerlwyn and Marwolaeth.

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