Savage Rifts: The Tomorrow Legion

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Savage Rifts: The Tomorrow Legion[edit]

It has been hundreds of years since the cataclysm.

The world changed. Aliens. Magic. Psionics. Undreamed of technology.


The Apocalypse.

The Rifts destroyed the old world. And from the ashes, a new one was born.

An eclectic mix of frontier towns, fortress and sprawling cities now crosses the world. Monsters and worse dangers lurk in between. Doorways into other realities have changed the landscape of the world. But it's the old tragedies that are the greatest threat to the world. Tyranny and oppression. Two ruthlessly dictatorial states have been squaring off against each other in North America, both with differing methodologies, but with a similar lack of regard for anyone who doesn't toe the line. The Coalition of States and the True Federation of Magic.

But not all hope is lost in this world.

In the far north of what was once Arkansas, the Tomorrow Legion has formed out of the ashes of war. Headquartered in Castle Refuge, an eclectic group of heroes, soldiers, adventurers and others have bonded together to try to save the world. To try to fight for a better tomorrow against those who would burn the future.

Under the guidance of people such as Erin Tarne and Lord Coake, those with skills and talents and a willingness to use them in the service for others are recruited and tasked with dangerous missions across the continent to try to push back the darkness.

You are members of this group.

The world is in your hands.


The current year is 109 PA. Several months ago, the nation of Tolkeen fell to the Coalition armed forces. Empire Prosek's question for genocidal domination and superiority for pure strain humans seems to be unstoppable, and Mad Lord Dunscon plots to bring the world under his domination. Monsters, rifts and ancient threats seem to surface on a daily basis The new world seems more in peril than ever.

You are a team of recently recruited heroes to the Legion. Your elite skills and abilities have resulted in you all being assigned as a Special Exploratory Team; the Legion's special operations teams; formed of eclectic groups of individuals to handle problems that more regimented groups cannot; who are granted enormous amounts of autonomy on their long distance missions.


Recruitment Thread


Ronin Crimson, Robot Pilot Ace played by GaoGaiGar

[[1]Alphenathan Silversong played by Karl Green]]

John Carter, Stranded Superhuman Space Spy played by The Watcher

Simon Cortex, Combat Cyborg

Q, Techno Wizard

[Bowie, Glitterboy Dogboy pilot][2]

Zane Vance, Crazy played by EnigmaticOne

Notable Factions[edit]

Important factions that the PCs have interacted with

  • The Tomorrow Legion: Tucked away in the hills of Arkansas, the Tomorrow Legion is the newest faction to make an impact on the world. Founded to bring together heroes and adventurers who stand against the evils of the world and allow them to work together, the Tomorrow Legion plans to be a bulwark against the tyranny of the Coalition and the Federation; operating out of its headquarters in Castle Refuge. Of course, these are the early days of the Legion. Much training, recruitment and acquisition of supplies will be needed before it can truly compete with these pillars of power in the new world, but the leadership have faith it can be done. Because if we don't make the attempt to stand against them, who will?
  • The Coalition States: The most advanced nation on the continent, the Coalition States were a nation founded with good intentions that has fallen to tyranny. Once an alliance of industrial states in the wake of the apocalypse, the CS has turned into a genocidal dictatorship, with the ultimate goals to drive out and exterminate anything that doesn't adhere to its staunchly limited view of pure strain humanity. Led by Emperor Prosek, the CS' capitol is located in Chi-Town, an industrialized super city and one of the largest settlements on the planet. The CS has some of the most advanced technology on the planet, which
  • The Federation of Magic: Once thought destroyed, the Federation has revived under the leadership of Alistair Dunscon, son of the founder. Unfortunately, the dream of a glorious society of magic is now dead. Instead, under his leadership, magic has become a tool of power and oppression. Out of the city of Brass in Kentucky, Alistair has crafted a society where magic is the guiding force... but so is slavery, demon summoning and the creation of the undead. He may stand opposed to the CS, but his rulership is no less horrific to contemplate than Emperor Prosek's.

Notable NPCs[edit]

Key figures that the PCs have met

  • Dhara Hammerheart: The Dwarven High Defender of the Tomorrow Legion. One of its founders, she leads the Council of Hope at Castle Refuge and plays a key role in the administration of it and the surrounding region.
  • General Henderson “Hank” MacGruder: A former mercenary and Glitter Boy pilot, Hank is the chief of staff for the military side of the Tomorrow Legion.
  • First Chief Elle of Owls: Head of morale and discipline for the legion, she also coordinates special ops teams. The haunting D-Bee Mystic (a beautiful humanoid with owl-like features and wings) is a longtime compatriot of Hank and came on with him. She is your immediate commanding officer in the Legion, and apportions out tasks to your team.