Savage Worlds Accursed CharacterTathis

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Ophidian (Outlands); Novice (5 XP); Male

Racial Package: Venomous Bite (Paralyzing bite, STR+d4 damage, Vigor roll at -2 to resist), Disjointed (Fit into and through any space at least as large as his head, and move at full Pace and Run), Serpent Strike (Gain First Strike Edge for free), Cold-Blooded (-1 to all Trait rolls and half Pace in cold environments), Caustic (Vigor costs double at character creation and two Advances to raise in play), Enemy (Gorgon Banes always attack an Ophidian first), Serpent Senses (+2 to Notice rolls, always considered "Active" for Subterfuge checks)

Agility d8; Smarts d6; Spirit d4; Strength d6; Vigor d6

Charisma: +0; Pace: 10; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (3)

Money: 500 Manreia duchats

Athletics d8

Fighting d6

Guts d4

Knowledge: Medicine d4

Notice d6+2

Shooting d4

Streetwise d4

Subterfuge d8

Survival d4


Dagger - STR(d4)+d4

Flintlock Pistol - 5/10/20; 2d6+1; RoF 1; 2 actions to reload

Reinforced Greatcoat - Armor +3, covers T, L, A

Six shot packets


1 week of food and water

Assorted adventuring gear

Edges: First Strike, Speed of the Serpent, Whiptail

Hindrances: Cautious, Loyal, Small

0 of 3 Wounds

0 of 2 Fatigue Levels

3 of 3 Bennies


5 XP: Strength d6