Scariks Strands40k Bionics

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Acquiring Implants[edit]

There are two ways to acquire a bionic system of cybernetic implant, with Wealth or with a Stunt.

With Wealth: make a test of Wealth vs Cost, if you fail you take Status Stress equal to the number of Shifts you failed by but you still get the system.

With Stunts: when you choose an Implant to fill a slot granted by a Stunt you simply gain the system. You also gain a +2 to all replacement and upkeep tests related to a system gained this way and they are of Good Quality at no extra cost with the exception of rare systems which have a special rule that increases their cost, you must still factor that extra cost into all upkeep and replacement tests..

Damage to Implants[edit]

For Implants I think there is enough ability to acquire all the systems that matter. For things that usually have no real function like bionic limbs, you can invoke your defining aspect for effect to get a minor advantage if it makes sense. In addition when you get injured (take a Health consequence) you risk damage to an Implant. Minors never threaten your implants, they aren't deep or lingering wounds. A Major shuts one system down, it needs to be repaired with a Tech roll at half Cost. Severe also shuts down a system and incurs a -2 to the Tech test to fix it.

Extreme forces you to test upkeep for all your implants and destroys one utterly so that you need to buy a new one.

Implant Stats[edit]

System Cost Aspects System Cost Aspects
Augur Array 5 Machine Sense Bionic Respiratory System 5 Air Reserves
Calculus Logi Upgrade 7 Intuitive Research Maglev Motors 6 Maglev Grace
Cortex Implants 7* Computerized Mind Memorance Implant 4 Perfect Recall
Mind Impulse Unit 5 Full Communion Voidskin 3 Void Proof
Mechadendrite 6 Always the Proper Tool Servo-arm 8 Massive
  • Augur Array: Counts as an Auspex, allowing Tech rolls to detect things. GQ versions reduce perception penalties due to environmental effects and have increased range.
  • Bionic Respiratory System:
  • Calculus Logi Upgrade: Reduces the time needed to read, organize files or research topics by 2 increments. GQ and BQ versions further reduce the time by 1 and 2 increments respectively.
  • Cortex Impants: repair damaged brains restoring the character to normal function. GQ versions may be use as a Cogitator system with a rating equal to the character's Tech BQ implants add 2 to this rating. Implants of this kind are very expensive and rare, GQ implants have a Cost of 9, BQ have Cost 12.
  • Mechadendrite: All mechadendrites give the same benefit in their narrow focus. They count as possessing the correct tool for the task. GQ versions reduce all penalties due to circumstance by 1, BQ reduce penalties by 2. Manipulator mechadendrites may be used as melee weapons.
  • Memorance Implant:
  • Mind Impulse Unit: MIUs allow full mental communion with machines of all kinds. Basic models merely simplify all attempts to interact with machine spirits allowing faster communication. GQ models grant +1 Shifts to the effect of all actions undertaken while linked to an MIU capable device.
  • Servo-arm: Counts as a manipulator mechadendrite with Size 1. User has Might 5 when lifting things while properly braced. May be used as a weapon.
  • Voidskin: