- Career: Guardsman
- Career Rank: 1
- Homeworld: Death World (Dusk)
- Divination: "To War Is Human" (+3 Ag)
- Height: 1.88m
- Weight: 87kg
- Eyes: Brown
- Hair: White (dyed black)
- Skin: Pale
- Age: 25
- Weapon Skill: 30
- Ballistic Skill: 34
- Strength: 42
- Toughness: 41
- Agility: 42
- Intelligence: 26
- Perception: 34
- Willpower: 40
- Fellowship: 21
- Wounds: 12/12
- Fate Points: 2
- Insanity Points: 7
- Corruption Points: 4
- Awareness (Per) (100 XP): 34%
- Common Lore (Dusk Folklore) (Int): 26%
- Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag): 42%
- Speak Language (Dusk Cant, Low Gothic) (Int): 26%
- Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
- Pistol Training (Las)
- Basic Weapon Training (Las)
- Basic Weapon Training (SP)
- Resistance (Psychic Powers)
- Primitive (-10 to Tech-Use and Fellowship tests made in formal / civilised settings)
- Wilderness Savvy (Navigation (Surface), Survival and Tracking count as Basic Skills)
- Bad Blood (+1d5 IP, +1d5 CP, +3 Per, +3 WP)
- Dark Tales (Begin play with Common Lore (Dusk Folklore), count Forbidden Lore (Daemonolgoy) and Scholastic Lore (Occult) as Basic skills)
- Little Left To Fear (Reduce effects of Fear by 1 degree)
Mara Landing Massacre[edit]
- +1d5 CP
- +1d10 IP
- +5 WP
- Gain Resistance (Psychic Powers)
- Gain 1 Fat Point
- Compact autogun ("This Machine") with 2 magazines
- Shotgun pistol
- Bayonet or other pointy object
- Guardsman flak vest
- Alcohol
- Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer
- Psykana mercy blade
- Vaguely heretical magazines featuring women in various states of undress
- Total: 400
- Spent: 400
Rank 1[edit]
- Awareness 100 XP
- Mara Landing Massacre 300 XP
As a strapping young lad, there was no doubt what Vish's future would be - pressed into the Imperial Guard to die for the Emperor. He was posted to the Dusk 404th Regiment, and immediately thrown onto the troop transport Vervilix for passage to the nearest war zone. During the course of his journey, he ended up becoming close to the regiment's sanctioned psyker, a young hiver girl named Dira. Maybe it was because she looked so lonely, maybe it was because she was cute, or maybe it was because everyone else instinctively shunned the "witch", but either way, he found himself talking more and more with her. Their conversations helped pass the long terror-laced tedium of warp travel, and Vish looked forward to getting dirtside so the two of them could finally have some privacy.
And then, the Vervilix landed on Mara.
Of the five thousand men who were disgorged onto the frozen hell of Mara, barely ten percent survived the five days of nightmares that scourged the unit. Of those few hundred men, fully nine in ten were executed for warp taint or subjected to "exhaustive study" that pretty much amounted to the same thing. Vish was one of the few hollow-eyed individuals who survived to be recirculated back into active duty, but he does not - will not - speak of his experiences on that world. He reflexively denies any accusation that he was there, stringently evades any queries about the place, and even acts like he doesn't know what the place is.
That said, among his personal equipment, one can find a small knife with the sigil of the Scholastica Psykana and the name "Dira" carved on it...