War Without End Fury of Russ
Mars Class Battlecruiser Fury of Russ[edit]
Speed: 4
Maneuver: +5
Detection: +15
HI: 85
Armour: 26/22
Turrets: 2
Space: 100
SP: 104
Weapon Capacity: 1 Prow, 1 Dorsal, 2 Port, 2 Starboard
Morale: 117
Crew Population: 102
Machine Spirit Oddity: Stoic
History: Turbulent Past (-20 with IN, +20 with IG)
Essential Components[edit]
Jovian Pattern Class 5 Drive
Strelov 2 Warp Engine
Ship Master's Bridge
Castellan Shield Array
Emergency Gellar Field
Ancient Life Sustainer
Clan-Kin Quarters
M-201b Augur Array
Double Launch Bay
Sunsear Laser Broadside
Double Launch Bay
Sunsear Laser Broadside
Nova Cannon
Star-flare lance
Supplemental Components[edit]
Armored Prow
Shaped in the form of a snarling wolf, the armored prow hides the mighty Nova Cannon. As a safety measure, the Nova Cannon is physically incapable of firing unless the jaws are fully opened.
The mechanarium contains the countless vehicles and support craft that the Sea Wolf Company uses to support its assaults on the enemies of Mankind. It also contains the stores and supplies needed to refuel, rearm and repair them over an extended campaign.
As Space Marines, the Space Wolves know well the effectiveness of shipboard boarding actions. As a result, the Iron Priesthood has fortified the interior of the Fury of Russ, turning it into a tactical nightmare for any opponent who tries to seize it.
Hall of the Housecarls (counts as Trophy Room)
As the Fury of Russ is not unlike a spacegoing headquarters for the Sea Wolf Company, the Hall is where the Company's battle honors, banners and trophies are displayed, if not in physical form, then as cunningly-executed hololithic replicas. It also serves as the private quarters for the reigning Wolf Lord, and a convenient meeting point for the Company's leadership. A replica of the Company's Keystone forms the flooring of this great chamber.
Wulfen Pens (counts as Murder Servitors)
Not all who take the essence of a Primarch into their bodies can contain it. The Wulfen, twisted in body as well as in mind, embody the final fate of any who are unworthy of the legacy of Russ. That said, the Wolf Priests offer these unfortunates a chance to redeem themselves with a warrior's death; they are stored in stasis tubes, and when the time comes to unleash them, they are awakened and launched into the enemy vessel aboard sophisticated assault rams, where they are free to rampage and kill with wild abandon until their lives or those of their foes are ended.
Observation Dome
Despite its name as a dome, this hemisphere of adamant-cryst glass is more of a flooring, so a Wolf Lord may look down upon a world and fancy himself treading it underfoot. The dome is one of the large spaces within the ship and is carefully decorated with astrological charts, which are maintained by the chapter serfs.
Drop Pod Bay
The signature Space Marine planetary assault vehicle is launched from these pods.
Shrine to Russ (counts as Temple-Shrine to the God-Emperor)
Feasting Halls (counts as Vaulted Ceilings)
Antsy Blood Claws (counts as Stormtrooper Detachment)
Veteran Crew
Crew improvements