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A character in Guardians of the Galaxy: Dangerous Freedoms



Rank Rank Number
Fighting Good 10
Agility Amazing 50
Strength Typical 6
Endurance Good 10
Reason Amazing 50
Intuition Remarkable 40
Psyche Excellent 30
Health 76
Karma 150 (0)
Resources Good 10
Popularity Good 10


Danger-Sense [Amazing]
Weaver's unique, holistic way of looking at the universe gives her the practically impossible ability to detect and dodge incoming dangers. She cannot be blind-sided and is able to detect incoming dangers up-to 50 seconds in the future. She is able to use her Danger-Sense of Amazing to replace other abilities physical abilities in combat such Intuition for surprise, Amazing for Dodge, Strength for Escaping, etc.
Because of this power, Weaver is more susceptible to Emotional attacks (-1CS).
Weakness Detection [Good]
Weaver is able to see the underlying patterns of connections in the universe which allows her to instinctively detect flaws and stress points in a target. This only allows her to see physical weaknesses (like weak points in a suit of armor or the dangerous resonant frequency of a structure) and not psychological or power-based weaknesses.


Cosmic Web Gauntlets
The ultimate expression of cosmic web theory, Weaver's signature equipment are her cosmic web gauntlets. By simply pointing her fingers, the wearer can fire long semi-solid energy "webs" connecting the gauntlets to a target within sight range, creating a channel between the target and the other end of the web. She can either cause the target to disappear from where it is and appear near her, or reverse the flow and teleport herself (or something she is holding) to the other end of the line. Because the two gauntlets are connected, she is able to target something with one web and cause it to teleport to the end of the other web rather than to herself. This teleportation is aimed using Agility but the effect is an Incredible-level effect, able to target any source or destination within line-of-sight and line-of-effect range and able to transport objects up to 10 tons in weight. Because the webs are semi-solid they cannot pass through solid surfaces and must be anchored to a solid surface to function. If a target is hit by a web and is not immediately transported the webbing has Incredible strength to pull off or cut.
Objects that are transported along the webbing can have momentum imparted on them, allowing Weaver to "throw" her targets or herself. The force functions as if the object was pushed/thrown by an individual with Remarkable strength (i.e. strong enough to throw a person but not to launch a car like a missile or cause a bullet to accelerate up to deadly speeds).
Environment Suit
Weaver's costume is a light-weight environment suit, designed to protect her against the dangers of the vacuum of space. The suit has a 3 day air supply.
Sensor Goggles
Weaver wears a pair of goggles which can enhance her vision in several ways. They can magnify the user's vision down to the microscopic-level, extend the range of vision, allowing the user to easily pinpoint objects up to several miles away, and they can also detect a wide-variety of energy signatures within those ranges.
Friction-Manipulation Pads
The fingertips of Weaver's gauntlets and soles of her shoes are equipped with friction manipulation pads which allow her to cling to surfaces. Weaver move across walls or ceilings at her normal speed.
Web Tracers
Weaver's homing devices operate with on a frequency detectable by her danger-sense and can be detected by her out to Amazing range.
Grenade Pack
Weaver keeps a collection of different types of grenades and area-effect devices on hand. Damaging grenades (such as frag grenades or concussion grenades) typically do Remarkable Weapon damage or a flat 20 points of Energy damage, along with other side effects, while hazard-creating grenades (such as smoke bombs or flash-bangs) usually generate an Amazing Intensity effect.


Acrobatics, Tumbling
Pilot, Engineering
Physics, Computers, Electronics
