"Alex" Alphenathan Silversong
"Alex" Alphenathan Silversong is a Gold Elf whom was born on Rifts Earth in the Federation of Magic some fifty years ago. For a time he believed in Alistair Dunscon’s “True Federation" but quickly turn on the ideas due to the corruption and evil of the society. He fled north for a time but has recently arrived at Fort Hope. The idea of some many dwarfs about has him a bit worried but he has heard good things about Team Tomorrow and is willing to overlook this minor "mistake" of employing so many of the wrong kind of people.
Elf (from Arcane and Mysticism)
Psi-Slinger (from Arcane and Mysticism)
Pace 6 (run d6), Parry 5, Toughness 14 (6)
SKILLS: Athletics d6, Drive d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Gambling d4, Hacking d6, Intimidate d6, Notice d6+2, Performance (Singing) d4+1, Persuasion d6+1, Psionics d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d6 (+2), Taunt d6, Thievery d4 (+1)
HINDRANCE: Curiosity (Major), D-Bee, Driven (minor), Heroic (Major), Quirk (Impudent, minor), Near Human Physiology, Racial Animosity (Dwarfs)
EDGE: Alertness, Ambidexterity, Arcane Background (Psionic), Danger Sense, Dodge, Low-Light Vision, Marksman, Martial Arts, Quick, Steady Hands, Two-Gun Kid
Power Points 10
Powers - Bolt, Deflection*, Protection*, Smite*, Telekinesis; *Range (Self) limitation
GEAR: Bushman Heavy EBA (Armor +6, Toughness +3, Environmental Sealed, Wt. 20lbs; Fiber-opic material and infrared mask ads +2 to all Stealth rolls); Two Colt Peacekeeper Pistols (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, AP-1, ROF 1, Ammo 6, Wt. 4lbs each) with 24 extra rounds, Holster for both Colts and storage for 24 rounds of ammo (Cost 500, Wt. 4lbs); NG-S2 Survival Pack (20lbs) with Survival Knife; Wooden Cross; Wooden Stake; Box of extra Ammo for Colt Peacemaker (50 rounds, Cost 200, Wt. 2lbs)
Carrying: 34lbs +20lbs for Survival Pack
Encumbrance: 40lbs
Big Boss ATV - Size 5 (large), Handling +1, Top Speed 150MPH, Toughness 28 (12, MDC armor), Crew 1+3, Mods 4, Notes - ATV, Max Range 300 miles.
*Energetic Diminishment: While protection is activated, the Psi-Slinger takes -4 damage from energy attacks (electricity, fire, ion, lasers, particle beams, plasma, etc.).
*Telekinetic Enhancement: When imbuing a Modern Firearm (see Savage Worlds) or TW equivalent with smite, the weapon does one additional die of damage. So, a Colt Peacemaker empowered with base smite by a Psi-Slinger does 3d6+3 damage.
*D-Bee (Minor): The initial Reactions to Elves typically start at Uncooperative, or Unfriendly for human supremacists. Those with Unfriendly or lower Reactions will refuse to sell wares or provide services such as healing, repairs, etc. Failed social checks with Hostile parties often result in violence.
*Enchantingly Beautiful: Almost all other humanoid races find elves to be beautiful, though with the prevalence of slaving on Rifts Earth this is not always an advantageous trait (elves are frequently nabbed first because they fetch the best price at slave markets). Elves gain +1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls with all races and peoples, except human supremacists. *Driven: Elves have the Driven (Minor) Hindrance. *Impudent: Elven culture is often insular and elitist. All elves have the Quirk (Minor—Culturally Superior) Hindrance.
*Low Light Vision: Elves ignore Illumination penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
*Near-Human Physiology: Those unfamiliar with elven physiology suffer only a −1 penalty to Healing skill rolls and cybernetics checks.
*Physical and Mental Prowess: Elves start with d6 Agility and d6 Smarts; increase Trait maximum accordingly.
*Racial Animosity: Ancient enemies, dwarves and elves are still coming to terms with their new circumstances on Rifts Earth (where they should be natural allies, as they were in eons past). Old habits die hard, though, especially for such long-lived races. Elves suffer −2 on Persuasion checks when dealing with dwarves.
Universal Credits and Gear Worth: 4d6 (9) 2d4 (4)
Universal Credits = 900; Gear = 2,000
Narrative Hook: 1d20 (6)
Alistair Dunscon’s “True Federation.” Dunscon’s madness is only exceeded by his obsession with forcing all to fall under his rule. He’s engaged in a campaign of political pressure and terror against reluctant factions. Maybe his agents hurt you, or you served with Federation forces—until you realized you were working for a diabolical madman.
MARS Fortune and Glory: 1d20 (4) 1d20 (13)
+2 die steps to Boating, Drive, Piloting or Ride and start with one vehicle or mount of choice.
Shiny and Chorme (would like to re-roll as don't want cybernetics and is gives a penalty to Psionic)
MARS Fortune and Glory: 1d20 (3)
Strong Suit of Armor - one suit of Body Armor and one modifier listed on the Body Armor table.
Heroic Journey - Training and Underworld: 1d20 (4) 1d20 (1)
Training - Martial Arts
Underworld - McGuyver and Repair +1 die
Re-rolling Underworld: 1d20 (4)
Hacking d6 and +1 with Thievery when dealing with electronic security
Advances (Novice) - Agility +1 step, Psionics and Shooting +1 Step, Alertness, (Seasoned) - Dodge